Smith's Bible Dictionary Collins English Dictionary Oxford English Dictionary Oxford Dictionary of English Urban Dictionary Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Dictionary of Sydney Kamus Alkitab Easton Karya rujukan medis Dorland Dictionary of National Biography Kamus Etimologi Daring New Oxford American Dictionary English-Hakka Dictionary A Dictionary of Hymnology Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy Kamus Cambridge Advanced Learner Phonetic Extensions Keseruan Cyclopædia, atau an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences John Julian (pendeta) Emory Sekaquaptewa Kemahabaikan John Jugge James Murray (leksikografer) William Chester Min…
nor William Smith (leksikografer) Kamus Jawa Kuna-Indonesia (Zoetmulder) Marghanita Laski Matthew George Easton Vladimir Dal Healing (bahasa gaul) Jack Halpern (linguis) Jaroslav Rudnyckyj The Nuttall Encyclopædia Henry Watson Fowler Keju hijau Duri tentong Longman Willi Apel Efektivitas Selat Shelikof Diagoras dari Rodos Head cheese Kosakata Tionghoa-Korea Alexander Pope Sebutan dan gelar di Dinasti Joseon William Dwight Whitney La
pisan Malpighi Derita Dunia Pertama Ejaan Oxford Kebanditan Daftar Perdana Menteri Australia Kosakata pendefinisi Kamus bahasa Tionghoa Walter Charleton Antiteisme Swafoto As'ad AbuKhalil Beltsazar Tanda penyingkat MILF Ajaran sesat Jingoisme Alumnus Victor Matson Zefanya Pampan Wangsa Plantagenet Ahinoam Penyematan nama James Granger Sakrum Aksara Tribalisme Aloha Bahasa Luganda Kalender Jermanik Aswan Permil Lanugo Sostenes Pramudapur Teisme Kebuddhaan Lexico Ferrera Casti-Wergenstein Senduduk (warna) Penicillium Chineesch-Hollandsch woordenboek van het Emoi dialekt Teobromina Bulgur Mokasin Keluar dari penggorengan ke perapian Xiandai Hanyu Cidian
Collins English Dictionary
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of English
Urban Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
Dictionary of Sydney
Kamus Alkitab Easton
Karya rujukan medis Dorland
Dictionary of National Biography
Kamus Etimologi Daring
New Oxford American Dictionary
English-Hakka Dictionary
A Dictionary of Hymnology
Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy
Kamus Cambridge Advanced Learner
Phonetic Extensions
Cyclopædia, atau an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences
John Julian (pendeta)
Emory Sekaquaptewa
John Jugge
James Murray (leksikografer)
William Chester Minor
William Smith (leksikografer)
Kamus Jawa Kuna-Indonesia (Zoetmulder)
Marghanita Laski
Matthew George Easton
Vladimir Dal
Healing (bahasa gaul)
Jack Halpern (linguis)
Jaroslav Rudnyckyj
The Nuttall Encyclopædia
Henry Watson Fowler
Keju hijau
Duri tentong