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Union Township, Union County, Nova Jersey

Plantilla:Infotaula geografia políticaUnion Township, Union County, Nova Jersey
Tipusmunicipi de Nova Jersey Modifica el valor a Wikidata
lang=ca Modifica el valor a Wikidata Map
 40° 41′ 43″ N, 74° 16′ 09″ O / 40.6953°N,74.2691°O / 40.6953; -74.2691
EstatEstats Units d'Amèrica
Estat federatNova Jersey
Comtatcomtat d'Union Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Població humana
Població59.728 (2020) Modifica el valor a Wikidata (2.536,44 hab./km²)
Llars20.346 (2020) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Superfície23,548 km² Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Altitud37 m Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Limita amb
Identificador descriptiu
Codi postal07083 Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Fus horari
Prefix telefònic908 Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Lloc Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Union Township és un municipi del comtat d’Union, Nova Jersey, Estats Units. Al segle xviii, la zona que ara és Union es va anomenar llavors Connecticut Farms. Segons el cens del 2010 dels Estats Units, la població del municipi era de 56.642,[1] la més alta registrada en cap cens decennal, cosa que reflecteix un augment de 2.237 (+ 4,1%) respecte als 54.405 comptabilitzats al cens del 2000, que al seu torn havia augmentat en 4.381 (+ 8,8%) dels 50.024 comptabilitzats al cens del 1990.[2]


Establert el 1667, Union va ser el tercer assentament de parla anglesa a Nova Jersey després d’ Elizabeth i Newark, amb la zona que ara és Union que llavors es deia Connecticut Farms.[3]

Union Township va ser el lloc de la Batalla de les Granges de Connecticut. El 6 de juny de 1780, les tropes britàniques, dirigides pel general Hessian Wilhelm von Knyphausen, van pujar a vaixells a Staten Island amb destinació a Elizabeth, Nova Jersey. A mitjanit, 5.000 efectius van començar a desembarcar. Esperaven que l'Exèrcit continental oferís poca resistència, creient que estaven cansats de la guerra i que estaven mal alimentats i pagats. També esperaven que els ciutadans de Nova Jersey els donessin la benvinguda. Es van equivocar en tots dos aspectes i no van poder obrir-se camí cap a Hobart Gap.[4]

Union Township es va incorporar com a municipi mitjançant un acte de la legislatura de Nova Jersey el 23 de novembre de 1808, procedent de porcions de Elizabeth Township, mentre l'àrea encara formava part del comtat d'Essex. Va passar a formar part del recentment format Comtat d’Unió el 19 de març de 1857. S'han pres parts del municipi per formar Linden Township (4 de març de 1861), Roselle Park (22 de març de 1901), Kenilworth (13 de maig de 1907) i Hillside (3 d'abril de 1913).[5][6] El 1946, un grup de residents va pressionar perquè el nom del municipi es canviés a "Connecticut Farms", citant els beneficis potencials per als residents i empreses de la zona a partir de la popularitat i la importància històrica del nom.[7]


El municipi d’Union està situat a l'extrem nord del comtat d’Union i limita amb vuit municipis: Hillside a l'est, Elizabeth al sud-est, Roselle Park i Kenilworth al sud i Springfield Township a l’oest. Al nord-oest del municipi es troba Millburn, al nord es troba Maplewood i al nord-est es troba Irvington, tot al comtat d'Essex.[8][9][10]

Segons l'Oficina del Cens dels Estats Units, el municipi tenia una superfície total de 23,52 km², inclosos els 23,44 km² de terreny i 0,08 km² d’aigua (0,35%).

Les comunitats, localitats i topònims no incorporats situats parcialment o totalment dins del municipi inclouen Battle Hill, Connecticut Farms, Galloping Hill, Headlentown, Putnam Manor, Salem, Townley i Vauxhall.[11]

Edificis destacables

  • La Union Watersphere, durant molts anys la torre d’ aigua més alta d’aquest tipus del món, fa 64.6m d’alçada, té 946m3 d’aigua potable i ara també s’utilitza com a torre de telefonia mòbil.[12] La fita i la icona van inspirar un antic resident de la Unió a crear un lloc web i un museu (a Austin, Texas) dedicats a la torre.[13]
  • La Unió alberga diverses cases construïdes totalment amb formigó abocat, un experiment de Thomas Edison. Les cases de la terrassa Ingersoll inclouen parets interiors de formigó abocat amb fontaneria formigó formada.[14]
  • La Unió alberga un edifici en forma de vaixell a la 2262 US Route 22. Originalment era restaurant i club nocturn,[15] ha anat canviant de propietat al llarg dels anys, convertint-se en una botiga de mobles coneguda com "El vaixell insígnia" i més tard The Wiz (motiga d'electrodomèstics) Actualment és una botiga de PC Richard & Son.
  • Union és la seu de la botiga Home Depot més gran dels Estats Units, amb una 20.200 m².[16]

Persones destacables

Entre les persones que han nascut, residit o han estat estretament relacionades amb Union Township, hi ha:

  • Aminat Ayinde, la segona subcampiona del cicle 12 del model America's Next Top.[17]
  • C. Louis Bassano (nascut el 1942) polític que va servir tant a l' Assemblea General de Nova Jersey com al Senat de Nova Jersey.[18]
  • Isaiah Briscoe (nascut el 1996), jugador de bàsquet de l'equip de bàsquet masculí de Kentucky Wildcats.[19]
  • Freddie 'Red' Cochrane (1915-1993), boxejador professional de la divisió pes welter (147 lliures) que es va convertir en campió del món el 1941 en aquesta categoria.[20]
  • Joe Collins (1922–1989), primer base dels Yankees de Nova York del 1948 al 1957. Un parc a l’avinguda de la Llibertat rep el seu nom.
  • Tom Coyne (1954-2017), enginyer de masterització.[21]
  • Jonathan Townley Crane (1819-1880), clergue, autor i abolicionista.
  • Joseph Cryan (nascut el 1961), representa el 20è districte legislatiu de l' Assemblea General de Nova Jersey.[22]
  • Quenton DeCosey (nascut el 1994), jugador de bàsquet professional dels Koroivos de la Greek Basket League.[23]
  • Jamie Fox (1954-2017), estrateg polític.[24]
  • Gina Genovese (nascuda el 1959), empresària i política que ha estat alcalde del municipi de Long Hill.[25]
  • Kayla Hoffman (nascuda el 1988), gimnasta artística.[26]
  • Mildred Barry Hughes (1902-1995), la primera dona elegida al Senat de Nova Jersey, el 1965.[27]
  • Ron Karkovice (nascut el 1963), receptor de la Lliga Major de beisbol del 1986 al 1997.[28]
  • Amalya Lyle Kearse (nascuda el 1937), jutge de la Cort d'Apel·lacions del Segon Circuit dels Estats Units.[29]
  • Myra Smith Kearse (1899-1982), metge i líder de la comunitat.
  • Larry Kubin (nascut el 1959), defensa que va jugar amb els Washington Redskins del 1981 al 1984.[30]
  • Kelly Kulick (nascuda el 1977), jugador de bitlles professionals que es va convertir en la primera dona que va guanyar un títol de gira habitual de l'Associació Professional de Boladors.[31]
  • Artie Lange (nascut el 1967), còmic, actor i ex company de Howard Stern Show.[32]
  • Ray Liotta (nascut el 1954), actor.[33]
  • Elliott Maddox (nascut el 1947), jugador de beisbol professional amb els New York Yankees 1974-76 i els New York Mets 1978-80.
  • Conde McGinley (nascut el 1890), editor del setmanari anticomunista i antisemita, Common Sense.[34]
  • Bob Mischak (1932–2014), guàrdia de futbol americà i final ajustat que va jugar a la Lliga Americana de Futbol i a la NFL.[35]
  • Eulace Peacock (1914–1996), atleta de pista als anys trenta que va ser un dels màxims competidors de Jesse Owens.[36]
  • Matthew John Rinaldo (nascut el 1931), va representar Nova Jersey a la Cambra de Representants dels Estats Units durant vint anys, al 12è districte del congrés (1973-1983) i al 7è districte del congrés (1983-1993).[37]
  • Tyler Roberson (nascut el 1994), jugador de bàsquet professional de l' Agua Caliente Clippers de la NBA G League.[38]
  • Philip Rubin (nascut el 1949), científic cognitiu, tecnòleg i administrador de ciències.[39]
  • Anthony E. Russo (nascut el 1926), antic membre del Senat de Nova Jersey que va ser alcalde de la Unió.[40]
  • Karl Schellscheidt (nascut el 1968), futbolista, educador i empresari.[41][42]
  • Manfred Schellscheidt (nascut el 1941), entrenador de futbol germanoamericà i exjugador i membre del Saló de la Fama del Futbol Nacional.[43]
  • Amy Simon (nascuda el 1971), científica planetària del Goddard Space Flight Center de la NASA.[44]
  • Darnell Stapleton (nascut el 1985), antic guàrdia ofensiu dels Pittsburgh Steelers que formava part de l'equip del campionat del Super Bowl XLIII dels Steelers.[45]
  • Travis Taylor (nascut el 1990), jugador de bàsquet professional.[46]
  • Bill Wenzel (1918–1987), dibuixant més conegut pel seu bon art femení.[47]
  • Robert Wuhl (nascut el 1951), actor.[48][49]
  • Darren Young (nascut el 1983), lluitador professional que abans va signar a la WWE, on és la meitat de The Prime Time Players amb Titus O'Neil.[50]


  1. Municipalities Sorted by 2011-2020 Legislative District, New Jersey Department of State. Accessed February 1, 2020.
  2. Table 7. Population for the Counties and Municipalities in New Jersey: 1990, 2000 and 2010 Arxivat 2017-08-07 a Wayback Machine., New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, February 2011. Accessed May 24, 2013.
  3. Cheslow, Jerry. "If You're Thinking of Living in: Union", The New York Times, October 27, 1991. Accessed February 25, 2012. "Union, the third oldest English settlement in New Jersey after Newark and Elizabeth, is returning to its Colonial roots.... Union was settled in 1667 by Puritans, who left Connecticut fearing religious persecution. Then called Connecticut Farms, the community figured prominently in shipbuilding from the late 17th century, when the Headleys, one of its first European families, established a factory for wooden hoops to hold sails to masts."
  4. Yesenko, Michael R. "Union historian Yesenko presents 'Remembering General George Washington'", Suburban News, January 20, 2010. Accessed December 7, 2011.
  5. Snyder, John P. The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606-1968, Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 241. Accessed February 25, 2012.
  6. Honeyman, Abraham Van Doren. Index-analysis of the Statutes of New Jersey, 1896-1909: Together with References to All Acts, and Parts of Acts, in the 'General Statutes' and Pamphlet Laws Expressly Repealed: and the Statutory Crimes of New Jersey During the Same Period, p. 306. New Jersey Law Journal Publishing Company, 1910. Accessed October 16, 2015.
  7. Staff. "Union May Again Be 'Connecticut Farms'", The New York Times, July 15, 1946. Accessed July 18, 2018. "Union, N. J., July 14 - Backed by the Union Exchange Club, a movement has been launched to change the township's name to Connecticut Frams, a name given to it by earky settlers who came here from Connecticut."
  8. Areas touching Union, MapIt. Accessed March 11, 2020.
  9. Union County Municipal Profiles, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed March 11, 2020.
  10. New Jersey Municipal Boundaries, New Jersey Department of Transportation. Accessed November 15, 2019.
  11. Locality Search, State of New Jersey. Accessed May 21, 2015.
  12. Lost in New Jersey: The Union Watersphere Arxivat 2013-04-03 a Wayback Machine., accessed January 16, 2006.
  13. World's Tallest Water Sphere
  14. Massey, James C.; and Maxwell, Shirley. "Concrete Houses", Old-House Journal, May-Jun 1994, p. 49. Accessed May 24, 2013.
  15. Union Township Historical Society, The Flagship, accessed March 5, 2017
  16. Liddane, Lisa. "The Home Depot opens its first Superstore in the West", The Orange County Register, April 5, 2012. Accessed October 25, 2012. "Those proportions make it the Atlanta-based home improvement chain's largest store in the West and the second largest Home Depot in the nation. The Union, N.J., superstore is the largest at 217,000 square feet."
  17. Gacser, Ava. "America's Next Top Model taps Union native", Home News Tribune, January 28, 2009. Accessed December 7, 2011.
  18. C. Louis Bassano, New Jersey Legislature, archived by the Internet Archive on February 25, 1998. Accessed May 25, 2010.
  19. Ditota, Donna. "Syracuse basketball program targets more Roselle Catholic players", The Post-Standard, September 11, 2013. Accessed March 1, 2016. "Boff said Briscoe transferred from St. Benedict's for two reasons: Roselle is located two miles from his home in Union, N.J., and Briscoe 'wanted more of a traditional high school experience for his last two years.' (St. Benedict's is an all-boys prep school.)"
  20. Staff. "Freddie (Red) Cochrane, Boxer, 77", The New York Times, January 19, 1993. Accessed July 18, 2018. "Mr. Cochrane, of Union, N.J., died at the Lyons Veterans Administration Hospital."
  21. Coughlin, Kevin. "Tom Coyne, Grammy-winning music engineer for Adele and Beyoncé, dies at 62",, April 15, 2017. Accessed September 24, 2017. "Born in Elizabeth and raised in Union, Coyne graduated from Roselle Catholic High School and earned a B.A. from Kean University."
  22. Assembly Member Joseph P. Cryan, Project Vote Smart. Accessed August 12, 2007.
  23. Hunt, Donald. "Quenton DeCosey loves playing in historic Palestra", Philadelphia Tribune, December 9, 2014. Accessed November 7, 2017. "Temple shooting guard Quenton DeCosey has learned about playing basketball in the Philadelphia Big 5. DeCosey hails from Union, N.J. where he played basketball for St. Joseph’s-Metuchen High School."
  24. Sullivan, John. "In Person; McGreevey Goes for Muscle", The New York Times, December 1, 2002. Accessed May 24, 2013. "He was born in Elizabeth and raised in Union Township, and when he was 13 he sneaked out of his house and took a train into Manhattan to attend a wake for Robert F. Kennedy."
  25. Magyar, Mark J. "Profile: The Woman Who Wants to End NJ’s 'Multiple Municipal Madness'", NJ Spotlight, April 30, 2014. Accessed July 11, 2017. "Born in Union, she moved to Berkeley Heights with her family at the age of 12."
  26. Kausler Jr., Don. "Alabama gymnast Kayla Hoffman named the SEC Female Athlete of the Year", The Birmingham News, June 28, 2011. Accessed October 16, 2015. "The Union, N.J., native is the sixth Alabama athlete and fifth Tide gymnast to be named SEC Female Athlete of the Year, joining gymnasts Penney Hauschild (1985), Dee Foster (1990), Andreé Pickens (2002), Rice (2004) and track star Lillie Leatherwood (1987)."
  27. Staff. "Mildred Hughes, 92, New Jersey Senator", The New York Times, January 19, 1995. Accessed May 24, 2013. "Mildred Barry Hughes, who in 1965 was the first woman elected a state senator in New Jersey, died on Jan. 11 at the Cranford (N.J.) Health and Extended Care Center. She was 92 and had lived for many years in Union, N.J."
  28. Ron Karkovice, Baseball Almanac. Accessed December 7, 2011.
  29. Goldstein, Tom. "Amalya Lyle Kearse; Woman in the News", The New York Times, June 25, 1979. Accessed July 18, 2018. "Amalya Lyle Kearse was born June 11, 1937, in Vauxhall, N.J. where her late father was postmaster and her mother first practiced medicine and then became an antipoverty official."
  30. Larry Kubin profile Arxivat 2007-09-29 a Wayback Machine., database Football. Accessed June 6, 2007.
  31. Kulick became the first woman to win a PBA Tour title on Sunday, beating Chris Barnes in the final of the 45th Tournament of Champions.
  32. Staff. "'Lucky' Artie Lange is having the time - and movie - of his life", Philadelphia Daily News, September 15, 2006. Accessed February 13, 2011. "Today, the Union, NJ, native takes it up a notch with Artie Lange's Beer League."
  33. Biography of Ray Liotta, The New York Times. Accessed December 6, 2006.
  34. Obituary. "Conde J. M'ginley, Editor, 73, Is Dead; Ran Common Sense, Called Anti-Semitic by House Unit", July 2, 1963, The New York Times, pg 30. Accessed September 13, 2018. "Union, N.J., July 1 (AP) Conde J. McGinley Sr., editor of a semi-monthly newspaper described by a Congressional committee as a 'clearing house for hate propagandists,' died here today of cancer. He was 73 years old."
  35. Staff. "Mischak, West Point Halfback, Banner-Lined in N. Y. World Telegram Sun", The Ukrainian Weekly, October 30, 1953. Accessed May 18, 2020. "The New York World Telegram and Sun ran in its last Oct. 23 number the following banner lined sport page article by its staff writer Lawrence Robinson about a Ukrainian lad by descent, Bob Mischak of Union, N. J., West Point Military Cadet:"
  36. "Interview with Eulace Peacock", Washington University in St. Louis. Accessed May 18, 2020. "[Eulace Peacock:] In grammar school, after we moved to Vauxhall, New Jersey—it's a, a section of Union, New Jersey."
  37. Matthew John Rinaldo, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed September 5, 2007.
  38. Ditota, Donna. "Roselle Catholic's Tyler Roberson picks Syracuse over Villanova and Kansas", The Post-Standard, November 16, 2012. Accessed July 18, 2018. "Tyler Roberson, the 6-foot-9 forward from Union, N.J. selected Syracuse over Kansas and Villanova tonight on ESPNU's basketball signing day show."
  39. Philip Rubin: Biographical Sketch Arxivat 2016-12-29 a Wayback Machine., Haskins Laboratories. Accessed May 18, 2020. "Philip Rubin was born and spent his early years in Newark, New Jersey. He graduated from Union High School in Union, New Jersey, in 1967."
  40. Franks, Bob. "In Recognition of Anthony Russo", p. 25503, Congressional Record, V. 145, Pt. 18, October 14, 1999 to October 25, 1999. United States Government Printing Office, 1999. Accessed October 16, 2015. "He served as a Union Township Committee member for 27 years, Mayor for nine terms, and New Jersey Senator from 1979 to 1981."
  41. Arntzenius, Linda. "Profiles in Education; Karl Schellscheidt", Town Topics (newspaper), June 21, 2006. Accessed May 24, 2013. "As the son of a professional soccer player (and coach for Seton Hall University) who came to the United States from Germany in 1966, Mr. Schellscheidt has been rooting for Germany. As a former kid from Union, New Jersey, he's been rooting for the U.S. team."
  42. Roselle Catholic High School Alumni Directory 1993. Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company, Inc. White Plains, NY, 1993, p. 49. 
  43. Jones, Grahame L. "Schellscheidt Hoping to Soccer It to Them: U.S. Olympic Coach Would Like to Put America on World Football Map" Arxivat 2012-11-07 a Wayback Machine., Los Angeles Times, June 14, 1983. Accessed June 10, 2011. "This is what we do in Union, New Jersey his home with the rec program."
  44. Amy Simon: Planetary Scientist, NASA. Accessed September 13, 2018. "[Q] Where are you from? [A] I am originally from Union, N. J."
  45. Rothman, Darnell. "Pittsburgh Steelers' Darnell Stapleton visits school kids at his Union Township alma mater", The Star-Ledger, March 26, 2009. Accessed February 13, 2011.
  46. Travis Taylor, Xavier Musketeers men's basketball. Accessed February 13, 2018. "Hometown; Union, N.J. Highschool; Union"
  47. Cahillane, Kevin. "Art; Nostalgia, Wearing Stilettos", The New York Times, December 4, 2005. Accessed July 18, 2018. "He was born in Irvington in 1918, grew up in Union, married his high school sweetheart on his 24th birthday, had two daughters, served in World War II and spent 30 years in Atlantic Highlands."
  48. Biography of Robert Wuhl, The New York Times. Accessed December 6, 2006.
  49. Lipton, Michael A. "In a League of His Own; Actor and Sports Fan Robert Wuhl Mixes Business with Pleasure on Arli$$", People (magazine), September 30, 1996. Accessed May 24, 2013. "To hear Wuhl tell it, he has always been fascinated by sports and showbiz. Growing up in Union, N.J., the second of three children of a produce distributor and his wife, he says Roger Maris and Billy Wilder were his idols and claims he taught himself to read by poring over the movie pages of the Newark Star-Ledger."
  50. Griffith, Janelle. "WWE star, N.J. native Darren Young: I came out because I'm in love", NJ Advance Media for, August 16, 2013. Accessed October 16, 2015.

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