1023 (number)
1023 is the natural number following 1022 and preceding 1024. Mathematics
1023 is a Mersenne number.[1] In other fieldsComputingFloating-point units in computers often run a IEEE 754 64-bit, floating-point excess-1023 format in 11-bit binary. In this format, also called binary64, the exponent of a floating-point number (e.g. 1.009001 E1031) appears as an unsigned binary integer from 0 to 2047, where subtracting 1023 from it gives the actual signed value. 1023 is the number of dimensions or length of messages of an error-correcting Reed-Muller code made of 64 block codes.[2] TechnologyThe Global Positioning System (GPS) works on a ten-digit binary counter that runs for 1023 weeks, at which point an integer overflow causes its internal value to roll over to zero again. 1023 being , is the maximum number that a 10-bit ADC converter can return when measuring the highest voltage in range. See alsoReferences