1135 Hugh de Willoughby (1135–1205) AGN-1135 1135 Colchis 1135 in Norway Battle of Bergen (1135) Elvira of Castile, Queen of Sicily Council of Pisa (1135) 1130s in art Magnus Haraldsson (son of Harald Gille) Al-Rashid Billah Krivak-class frigate United Nations Security Council Resolution 1135 Harald Kesja USCGC Angela McShan 1130s in England 1130s BC Shams al-Mulk Isma'il Diarmaid Ua Madadhan Wiślica Godfrey of Bath House of Normandy Munke Mølle Abd al-Majid ibn Abdun 1130s in poetry Amhlaibh mac Domhnaill Fhinn Ua Dubhda Bernard of Valence Karl Jónsson Mycoplasma agalactiae Nana of Pécs Reinald of Stavanger Signy Abbey Zengid campaig…
gn against Antioch Soviet frigate Druzhny Al-Mustarshid Anselmo della Pusterla Albert of Chiatina Friedrich, Count of Stade Drážovce, Krupina District Henry of Groitzsch Simon I, Count of Saarbrücken Frederick, Count of Saarbrücken San Juan de Tantaranche District Engelbert, Duke of Carinthia Soviet frigate Doblestnyy Montferrand (district of Clermont-Ferrand) Gyōson Jean Beleth Dolný Badín Magnus Sigurdsson Walcher of Malvern Simon of Kalocsa Ramon Beren
guer II, Count of Provence Adachi Morinaga Soviet frigate Razumnyy Empress Xie (Xiaozong) Streptomyces muensis Gartnait, Earl of Buchan Ratnadeva II Zumurrud Khatun Galactosylceramide Bucan Ladrón Íñiguez Land bridges of Japan Grace Academy (North Carolina) Bicyclic phosphate Emperor Taizong of Jin Talwar-class frigate Rotrou IV, Count of Perche Soviet frigate Dostoynyy Gavà Mines Skovkloster Abbey Misuthin List of Henry's new men Ulrich I, Duke of Carinthia 1130s in architecture List of earls in the reign of King Stephen William Martel William Maunsell Hennessy Soviet frigate Revnostnyy Soviet frigate Deyatelnyy 411 Seniors Centre Soviet frigate Silnyy Henry de Cornhill (sheriff) Wardon Abbey County
Hugh de Willoughby (1135–1205)
1135 Colchis
1135 in Norway
Battle of Bergen (1135)
Elvira of Castile, Queen of Sicily
Council of Pisa (1135)
1130s in art
Magnus Haraldsson (son of Harald Gille)
Al-Rashid Billah
Krivak-class frigate
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1135
Harald Kesja
USCGC Angela McShan
1130s in England
1130s BC
Shams al-Mulk Isma'il
Diarmaid Ua Madadhan
Godfrey of Bath
House of Normandy
Munke Mølle
Abd al-Majid ibn Abdun
1130s in poetry
Amhlaibh mac Domhnaill Fhinn Ua Dubhda
Bernard of Valence
Karl Jónsson
Mycoplasma agalactiae
Nana of Pécs
Reinald of Stavanger
Signy Abbey
Zengid campaign against Antioch
Soviet frigate Druzhny
Anselmo della Pusterla
Albert of Chiatina
Friedrich, Count of Stade
Drážovce, Krupina District
Henry of Groitzsch