1379 Revolt of Ghent (1379–1385) John Cotton (fl. 1379–1388) List of peers 1370–1379 Kosmos 1379 1379 in Ireland United Nations Security Council Resolution 1379 USS PCS-1379 Poll Tax of 1379 NGC 1379 1379 Lomonosowa Byzantine civil war of 1373–1379 1370s BC John Legh (14th century MP) Fakhr al-Dawla Shah-Ghazi Georg von Wildenstein War of Chioggia Thomas Waltham Thomas Banastre Robert Urswyk Robert Aylesham First War of the Guelderian Succession Gerlach II of Isenburg-Arnfels William Kexby Pir Husayn John FitzAlan, 1st Baron Arundel Israeli Basketball Leumit Cup John Dering (MP for Southampton) Robert atte Lee Pyanchi II o…
of Toungoo Vukoslavić noble family Floris van Wevelinkhoven Thomas Somerset (MP for Oxford) 1370s in England Grigorije of Gornjak Ningxin Subdistrict, Meizhou Ralph Green (MP) John Abbot (14th-century MP) Counts and dukes of Guelders Kōryaku Old Harbour Road Cricket Ground Revolt of Ghent Muhammad Sultan (Golden Horde) Kuno von Stoffeln North Dakota Legacy Fund Emirate of Erzincan Ostoja Rajaković Richard Brinkley
Gilain de Sart Aqsara'i Croasdale List of monarchs who lost their thrones in the 14th century Henry of Castile 1370s Treaty of Neuberg The Old Bakery, Manor Mill & Forge Khadijah of the Maldives Ixodes minor Emeric Nagymihályi Richard Nash (MP) Rastislalić noble family Walter Tropenell Pouancé Castle Den vises sten Taj al-Din Chelebi Paul Horvat Ivaniš Nelipić Rocca delle Penne Wo Hop Shek Public Cemetery Macarius of Constantinople William St Clair, 8th Baron of Roslin Compagnia della Stella Newport High School (Pennsylvania) Otto VI, Count of Tecklenburg Giovanni Badile T/TCP Henry III, Duke of Mecklenburg Ivan Nelipčić Duplín Tulak (Golden Horde) Karl Hanquet Johann Hiltalinger Marianu
Revolt of Ghent (1379–1385)
John Cotton (fl. 1379–1388)
List of peers 1370–1379
Kosmos 1379
1379 in Ireland
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1379
USS PCS-1379
Poll Tax of 1379
NGC 1379
1379 Lomonosowa
Byzantine civil war of 1373–1379
1370s BC
John Legh (14th century MP)
Fakhr al-Dawla Shah-Ghazi
Georg von Wildenstein
War of Chioggia
Thomas Waltham
Thomas Banastre
Robert Urswyk
Robert Aylesham
First War of the Guelderian Succession
Gerlach II of Isenburg-Arnfels
William Kexby
Pir Husayn
John FitzAlan, 1st Baron Arundel
Israeli Basketball Leumit Cup
John Dering (MP for Southampton)
Robert atte Lee
Pyanchi II of Toungoo
Vukoslavić noble family
Floris van Wevelinkhoven
Thomas Somerset (MP for Oxford)
1370s in England
Grigorije of Gornjak
Ningxin Subdistrict, Meizhou
Ralph Green (MP)
John Abbot (14th-century MP)
Counts and dukes of Guelders