1579 Janusz Radziwiłł (1579–1620) Rafał Leszczyński (1579–1636) Katarzyna Ostrogska (1560–1579) Luca Spinola (1489–1579) Claus Daa (1579–1641) List of peers 1570–1579 Treaty of Arras (1579) Siege of Maastricht (1579) NGC 1579 Eighty Years' War, 1579–1588 Robert Harley (1579–1656) Anthony Abdy (1579–1640) 1579 in Sweden 1579 in Scotland 1579 in Ireland 1579 in Norway 1579 in France 1579 in literature Eighty Years' War, 1576–1579 1579 in England 1579 in science 1579 in art 1579 in India Siege of Polotsk (1579) Thomas Duffield (died 1579) Jalan Palong 16-Tembangau Richard Berkeley (di…
ied 1661) John Waldron (died 1579) Siege of Itami (1579) Marie, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth 1579 in poetry List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1579 Algerian Expedition to Tuat Robert Dillon (died 1579) Richard Weston (Royalist) Thomas Jackson (theologian) United Nations Security Council Resolution 1579 Nicholas Bacon (Lord Keeper) Gil de Albornoz y Espinosa Giovanni Luigi Guarini 1570s BC Jens Munk Pomponio Cotta Romolo de Valentibus Gregorio Forbicini Zainul Abidin of Aceh Union of Arras Robrecht Holman Demeter Hunyadi John Fletcher (playwright) Gonzalo Herrera Olivares Elleine Smith Hugh O'Sherida
n Jurgis Astikas Vincenzo Ferrari Bernardo de Albuquerque Thomas Bentham Gaspare Viviani Agostino Folignatti Benedetto Lomellini Sri Alam Countess Elisabeth of Leuchtenberg Walerian Protasewicz Domenico Bollani Diego Deza Tello Sultan Muda Laurentius Petri Gothus Philip VI, Count of Waldeck Jan Hieronimowicz Chodkiewicz John Barker (died 1618) Alfonso Graniero Avalos Matsudaira Nobuyasu Flaminio Filonardi Lords, counts and dukes of Tresmes Ascanio I Piccolomini Alexander Morison, Lord Prestongrange Union of Utrecht Federico Baldissera Bartolomeo Cornaro Grand Mosque of Tarsus Jerónimo Manrique de Lara (bishop of Salamanca) Bernard Garter Liam Ó Seachnasaigh Ali Ri'ayat Syah I Samuel Boyse Simon Fiz
Janusz Radziwiłł (1579–1620)
Rafał Leszczyński (1579–1636)
Katarzyna Ostrogska (1560–1579)
Luca Spinola (1489–1579)
Claus Daa (1579–1641)
List of peers 1570–1579
Treaty of Arras (1579)
Siege of Maastricht (1579)
NGC 1579
Eighty Years' War, 1579–1588
Robert Harley (1579–1656)
Anthony Abdy (1579–1640)
1579 in Sweden
1579 in Scotland
1579 in Ireland
1579 in Norway
1579 in France
1579 in literature
Eighty Years' War, 1576–1579
1579 in England
1579 in science
1579 in art
1579 in India
Siege of Polotsk (1579)
Thomas Duffield (died 1579)
Jalan Palong 16-Tembangau
Richard Berkeley (died 1661)
John Waldron (died 1579)
Siege of Itami (1579)
Marie, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
1579 in poetry
List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1579
Algerian Expedition to Tuat
Robert Dillon (died 1579)
Richard Weston (Royalist)
Thomas Jackson (theologian)
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1579
Nicholas Bacon (Lord Keeper)
Gil de Albornoz y Espinosa