1580 Portuguese succession crisis of 1580 Siege of Steenwijk (1580–1581) 1580 Dover Straits earthquake Religion Act 1580 1580 AM Gábor Esterházy (1580–1626) William Wightman (died 1580) Diocese of Utrecht (695–1580) Walter Lloyd (1580–1661) Battle of Alcântara (1580) List of peers 1580–1589 John Throckmorton (died 1580) 1580 Betulia 1580 in France 1580 in India 1580 in Sweden 1580 in Scotland 1580 in Ireland São Martinho (1580) 1580 in literature 1580 in Norway 1580 in art 1580 in Spain Elizabeth Legge 1580 influenza pandemic Taking of Diest (1580) 1580 in science Nicholas Arnold (lord justic…
ce) An act to affirm the policy of the United States regarding Internet governance John Wogan (MP died 1580) John Dudley (died 1580) Battle of Toropets (1580) 1580s BC Henry Poole (died 1580) Thomas White of Tuxford Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1586–1589) 1580 in poetry Siege of Smerwick William Owen (Oxford MP) Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy Francis Leke (MP) 1580s in Denmark 1580s in architecture United Nations Security Council Resolution 1580 List of bishops and archbishops of Utrecht John Arundell (of Trerice, died 1580) Sir George Howard (courti
er) Robert Dillon (died 1579) List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1580 Peter Carew (died 1580) John Fettiplace (politician died 1580) Roland de Burgo Vincenzo Fucheri Pietro Cancellieri Francesco Indelli Dietrich von Rothenstein Ascanio Albertini Antonio Balducci William mac an Iarla Burke Frederik V Schenck van Toutenburg Pedro de Ágreda Sánchez Martín Thomas Forrest (translator) Johann Georg Zobel von Giebelstadt Ascanio Marchesini Semiz Ahmed Pasha Baron Ardenerie Sanjak of Krka WHLY Girolamo Bentivoglio Cristóbal Rojas Sandoval Seaán mac Oliver Bourke Edward Morecroft Étienne de Molinier Capture of Porto Roche MacGeoghegan Maria Dolgorukaya Febo Moniz 1580s in the Southern Netherl
Portuguese succession crisis of 1580
Siege of Steenwijk (1580–1581)
1580 Dover Straits earthquake
Religion Act 1580
1580 AM
Gábor Esterházy (1580–1626)
William Wightman (died 1580)
Diocese of Utrecht (695–1580)
Walter Lloyd (1580–1661)
Battle of Alcântara (1580)
List of peers 1580–1589
John Throckmorton (died 1580)
1580 Betulia
1580 in France
1580 in India
1580 in Sweden
1580 in Scotland
1580 in Ireland
São Martinho (1580)
1580 in literature
1580 in Norway
1580 in art
1580 in Spain
Elizabeth Legge
1580 influenza pandemic
Taking of Diest (1580)
1580 in science
Nicholas Arnold (lord justice)
An act to affirm the policy of the United States regarding Internet governance
John Wogan (MP died 1580)
John Dudley (died 1580)
Battle of Toropets (1580)
1580s BC
Henry Poole (died 1580)
Thomas White of Tuxford
Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain
Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1586–1589)
1580 in poetry
Siege of Smerwick