1595 USS SP-1595 Battle of Guadalupe Island (1595) Russo-Swedish War (1590–1595) Battle of San Juan (1595) Francesco Cattani da Diacceto (1531–1595) William Skipwith (died c. 1595) 1595 in France Action of 1595 1595 in Ireland John Moore (1595?–1657) Siege of Le Catelet (1595) 1595 in India 1595 in science USS Dynamic (AM-91) 1595 in Norway Siege of Huy (1595) 1595 in Sweden 1595 in Scotland 1595 in art 1595 in literature Siege of Groenlo (1595) Battle of Cecora (1595) Battle of Giurgiu (1595) Richard More (died 1595) George Grenville (died 1595) William Barret Donough O'Brien (b. 1595) Thomas Morgan (died 1595) Francis Hastings (died 1595) Battle of Suceava…
a (1595) John Gurdon (died 1679) Edward Herbert (died 1595) Henri I d'Orléans, duc de Longueville Carlo de' Medici (cardinal) 1590s BC John Selby (died 1595) Capture of Recife (1595) Henry Goodere (politician) United Nations Security Council Resolution 1595 Thomas Parker (minister) 1590s in the Southern Netherlands 1595 in music Toyotomi Hidetsugu 1590s in architecture Ștefan Răzvan Nzingha: Warr
ior Queen of Matamba, Angola, Africa, 1595 Siege of Doullens Georg von Schönenberg Orazio Rapari Caesar Benzio Claudio de Curtis Chey Chettha I Andrew Maunsell Giovanni Evangelista Pelleo William Wickham (bishop) Giovanni Andrea Croce Gaspare Visconti Giovanni Battista Castrucci Philip of Nassau Herman Zahorskyj Hugues Loubenx de Verdalle Inwa Mibaya Rottenburg witch trials Laevinus Torrentius Scipione de Tolfa Giulio Doffi Wolfgang, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen Red Dragon (1595) Lorenzo Gennari Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira William Hawkins (fl. c. 1600) Ascanio Giacobazio Philip II, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen Jeremias II of
USS SP-1595
Battle of Guadalupe Island (1595)
Russo-Swedish War (1590–1595)
Battle of San Juan (1595)
Francesco Cattani da Diacceto (1531–1595)
William Skipwith (died c. 1595)
1595 in France
Action of 1595
1595 in Ireland
John Moore (1595?–1657)
Siege of Le Catelet (1595)
1595 in India
1595 in science
USS Dynamic (AM-91)
1595 in Norway
Siege of Huy (1595)
1595 in Sweden
1595 in Scotland
1595 in art
1595 in literature
Siege of Groenlo (1595)
Battle of Cecora (1595)
Battle of Giurgiu (1595)
Richard More (died 1595)
George Grenville (died 1595)
William Barret
Donough O'Brien (b. 1595)
Thomas Morgan (died 1595)
Francis Hastings (died 1595)
Battle of Suceava (1595)
John Gurdon (died 1679)
Edward Herbert (died 1595)
Henri I d'Orléans, duc de Longueville
Carlo de' Medici (cardinal)
1590s BC
John Selby (died 1595)
Capture of Recife (1595)
Henry Goodere (politician)
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1595