La sampogna musicale (The musical Syrinx) (Bologna: Girolamo Mascheroni)
Il principiante fanciullo (The beginning child) for two voices, Op. 46 (Venice: Bartolomeo Magni for Gardano), a collection of musical exercises for young singers
Manuel Cardoso – First book of masses for four, five, and six voices (Lisbon: Pedro Craesbeck)
Newes Musicalisches Opusculum for five voices (Coburg: Johann Forckel for Salomon Gruner), a collection of intradas
Gratulatio Musica for six voices (Coburg: Johann Forckel), a wedding motet for the jurist Johann Bechstedt
Geistliche Vermählung des Herrn Christi mit einer glaubigen Seel aus dem schönen Spruch Hoseæ 2 for six voices (Coburg: Johann Forckel), a wedding motet
Carlo Milanuzzi – Second book of sacra cetra concertata con affetti ecclesiastici for two, three, four, and five voices with organ, Op. 13 (Venice: Alessandro Vincenti), also includes arias for bass solo
Pietro Pace - The eleventh book of motets..., Op. 25 (Rome, Giovanni Battista Robletti), prepared posthumously by his son, Benedetto Pace
Giovanni Picchi – Canzoni da sonar con ogni sorte d'istromenti for two, three, four, six, and eight voices with basso continuo (Venice: Alessandro Vincenti)
Hieronymus Praetorius – Cantiones novae officiosae for five, six, seven, eight, ten, and fifteen voices, Op. 5 (Hamburg: Michael Hering)