1638 Siege of Breme (1638) Mikołaj Sapieha (1581–1638) Mughal–Safavid War (1637–1638) 1638 New Hampshire earthquake Kentucky Route 1638 Siege of Fuenterrabía (1638) Capture of Baghdad (1638) George Southcote (1572–1638) Denys Rolle (died 1638) History of Baghdad (1638–1704) Tipu rebellion Charles Wyndham (1638–1706) Siege of Salvador (1638) 1638 in Denmark 1638 in Sweden 1638 in England 1638 in Norway 1638 in France 1638 in Japan Kepler-1638 1638 in Ireland Treaty of Hartford (1638) 1638 in literature 1638 Calabrian earthquakes 1638 in art 1638 in music Kandyan Treaty of 1638 1638 in science Margareta Brahe (1559–1638) 1638 AM 1638 in Belgium Francis…
s Courtenay (died 1638) Self-Portrait (Rubens, Vienna) Thomas Lambert (died 1638) Robert Oxenbridge (died 1638) Spanish occupation of Jolo (1638) Edmund Rice (colonist) Battle of Goa (1638) John More (died 1638) Simon Leach Robert Hopton (died 1638) John Tradescant the Elder Thomas Smith (scholar) John Saunders (MP) William Selby (died 1638) TCG Sultanhisar (P-111) John Vesey (archbishop of Tuam) Battle of Guidjel United Nations Security Council Resolution 1638 Battle of Getaria Treaty of Hamburg
(1638) Catherine of Sweden, Countess Palatine of Kleeburg 1630s in architecture Lot and His Daughters (Artemisia Gentileschi) Michel Bégon (naturalist) Extreme Unction (Poussin) John Popham (died 1638) 1638 Ottoman expedition against Kelmendi Johan van den Sande Walter Chetwynd (Newcastle-under-Lyme MP) List of Edmund Rice (colonist) descendants Matsukura Katsuie Raja Wodeyar II Krzysztof Charbicki Portrait of Sir William Killigrew Giulio Antonio Santoro Sebastiano Ricci (bishop) Ascanio Gesualdo Marco Antonio Mandosio Paolo Cajatia The Judgement of Paris (Rubens) Giulio Diotallevi Portrait of Mary Hill, Lady Killigrew Giambattista Visconti John King
Siege of Breme (1638)
Mikołaj Sapieha (1581–1638)
Mughal–Safavid War (1637–1638)
1638 New Hampshire earthquake
Kentucky Route 1638
Siege of Fuenterrabía (1638)
Capture of Baghdad (1638)
George Southcote (1572–1638)
Denys Rolle (died 1638)
History of Baghdad (1638–1704)
Tipu rebellion
Charles Wyndham (1638–1706)
Siege of Salvador (1638)
1638 in Denmark
1638 in Sweden
1638 in England
1638 in Norway
1638 in France
1638 in Japan
1638 in Ireland
Treaty of Hartford (1638)
1638 in literature
1638 Calabrian earthquakes
1638 in art
1638 in music
Kandyan Treaty of 1638
1638 in science
Margareta Brahe (1559–1638)
1638 AM
1638 in Belgium
Francis Courtenay (died 1638)
Self-Portrait (Rubens, Vienna)
Thomas Lambert (died 1638)
Robert Oxenbridge (died 1638)
Spanish occupation of Jolo (1638)
Edmund Rice (colonist)
Battle of Goa (1638)
John More (died 1638)