1648 1648 Polish–Lithuanian royal election Siege of Bar (1648) Lands of the Bohemian Crown (1526–1648) Neapolitan Republic (1647–1648) Stefan Potocki (1624–1648) International relations (1648–1814) Moscow uprising of 1648 John Borlase (1576–1648) Edward Hungerford (died 1648) Peace of Münster List of MPs not excluded from the English parliament in 1648 John Rogerson (1648–1724) 1648 in Denmark Lands of the Bohemian Crown (1648–1867) Catherine of Lorraine (1573–1648) 1648 in Spain Treaty of Münster (October 1648) 1648 in art 1648 Shajna 1648 in France 1648 in Sweden Claude-Fr…
rançoise of Lorraine 1648 in Ireland 1648 in Norway 1648 in science 1648 in music John Rolle (Parliamentarian) Battle of Stirling (1648) Maurice Bocland (Downton MP) Battle of Preston (1648) History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1648–1764) 1648 in literature House at 1648 Riverside Drive 1648 in England Francis Baines (Jesuit) The Pursuit of Glory Battle of St Neots (1648) Francis Knollys (admiral) Eighty Years' War, 1621–1648 Jan Działyński (voivode, born 1590) Geistliche Cho
rmusik John Forbes (theologian, born 1593) Charles Duncombe (English banker) Pierre Legardeur de Repentigny (admiral) Khmelnytsky Uprising Battle of Prague (1648) Ketevan of Kakheti (1648–1719) Battle of Korsuń United Nations Security Council Resolution 1648 Ambrose Manaton (died 1696) 1640s in architecture William Whitmore (died 1648) History of Sweden (1611–1648) John White (colonist priest) Samuel Hoffmann George White (merchant) Peace of Westphalia Khmelnytsky pogroms The Fronde Lords, counts and dukes of Tresmes History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569–1648) To the Virgins, to Make M
1648 Polish–Lithuanian royal election
Siege of Bar (1648)
Lands of the Bohemian Crown (1526–1648)
Neapolitan Republic (1647–1648)
Stefan Potocki (1624–1648)
International relations (1648–1814)
Moscow uprising of 1648
John Borlase (1576–1648)
Edward Hungerford (died 1648)
Peace of Münster
List of MPs not excluded from the English parliament in 1648
John Rogerson (1648–1724)
1648 in Denmark
Lands of the Bohemian Crown (1648–1867)
Catherine of Lorraine (1573–1648)
1648 in Spain
Treaty of Münster (October 1648)
1648 in art
1648 Shajna
1648 in France
1648 in Sweden
Claude-Françoise of Lorraine
1648 in Ireland
1648 in Norway
1648 in science
1648 in music
John Rolle (Parliamentarian)
Battle of Stirling (1648)
Maurice Bocland (Downton MP)
Battle of Preston (1648)
History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1648–1764)
1648 in literature
House at 1648 Riverside Drive
1648 in England
Francis Baines (Jesuit)
The Pursuit of Glory
Battle of St Neots (1648)
Francis Knollys (admiral)
Eighty Years' War, 1621–1648