1679 March 1679 English general election Habeas Corpus Act 1679 Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1679) 1679 Armenia earthquake John Button (1624–1679) Richard Acland (1679–1729) English general election, 1679 October 1679 English general election William Berners (1679–1712) William of Nassau (1620–1679) List of peers 1670–1679 John Rolle (1679–1730) John Davies (classical scholar, born 1679) List of Privy Counsellors (1679–1714) 1679 in Sweden List of fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1679 1679 in China John Gurdon (died 1679) Francesco Mancini (1679–1758) United Nations Security Council Resolution 1679 1679 in France Tibet–Ladakh–Mugh…
hal war John Swinton (died 1679) 1679 Sanhe-Pinggu earthquake 1679 in Scotland List of ship launches in 1679 Treaty of Fontainebleau (1679) Francis Barrell (died 1679) 1679 in Ireland John Grobham Howe (died 1679) 1679 in art 1679 in Denmark 1679 in Norway Edward Bayntun (died 1679) Farkas Bethlen 1679 in music List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1679 1679 in England Habeas Corpus Parliament 1679 in s
cience Francesco Barberini (1597–1679) 1679 in literature John Strode (died 1679) Thomas Halsey (1591–1679) Robert Blakeney (died 1733) Hugh Bethell (died 1679) HMS Breda (1679) HMS Sandwich (1679) HMS Duchess (1679) 1670s HMS Northumberland (1679) Edward Phelips (Royalist) Anthony Buller (Callington MP) Rathore rebellion (1679–1707) HMS Bredah (1679) Billeting Act 1679 John Paterson (bishop of Ross) First period houses in Massachusetts (1660–1679) Campbell baronets of Ardkinglass (1679) Sertorius (Bancroft play) HMS Grafton (1679) John Rogers (priest, born 1679) Johannes Schefferus HMS Windsor Castle (1679) HMS Berwick (1679) Robert Coke (King's Lynn MP) Rajput Rebellion (1708–1710) Richard Aldworth (Reading MP) S
March 1679 English general election
Habeas Corpus Act 1679
Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1679)
1679 Armenia earthquake
John Button (1624–1679)
Richard Acland (1679–1729)
English general election, 1679
October 1679 English general election
William Berners (1679–1712)
William of Nassau (1620–1679)
List of peers 1670–1679
John Rolle (1679–1730)
John Davies (classical scholar, born 1679)
List of Privy Counsellors (1679–1714)
1679 in Sweden
List of fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1679
1679 in China
John Gurdon (died 1679)
Francesco Mancini (1679–1758)
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1679
1679 in France
Tibet–Ladakh–Mughal war
John Swinton (died 1679)
1679 Sanhe-Pinggu earthquake
1679 in Scotland
List of ship launches in 1679
Treaty of Fontainebleau (1679)
Francis Barrell (died 1679)
1679 in Ireland
John Grobham Howe (died 1679)
1679 in art
1679 in Denmark
1679 in Norway
Edward Bayntun (died 1679)
Farkas Bethlen
1679 in music
List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1679
1679 in England
Habeas Corpus Parliament