1839–1840 United States Senate election in New York Khivan campaign of 1839–1840 1839 Whig National Convention 1840–41 United States Senate elections List of elections in 1840 1840 United States Senate special election in Pennsylvania 1840 Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom 1840 in the United States Nemesis (1839) Colt model 1839 carbine 1840 1839 in India Egyptian–Ottoman War (1839–1841) 1840 United States elections County Police Act 1839 Act of Union 1840 List of shipwrecks in December 1839 1840 in the United Kingdom List of shipwrecks in 1839 1839 Massachusetts legislature List of shipwrecks in October 1839 1840 Pennsylvania's 22nd congressional district special…
l election 1839 Massachusetts gubernatorial election List of shipwrecks in November 1839 1840 United States presidential election 1840 Pennsylvania's 13th congressional district special election 1840 in India 1840 Democratic National Convention Siege of Kalat (1839) 1839 Coringa cyclone List of shipwrecks in September 1839 1840 New York gubernatorial election Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act 1840 Bombardment of Beirut (1840) 1839 Cleopatra (1839) List of shipwrecks in August 1839 Oriental Crisis of 1840 Frances (1839) 1840 in archaeology 1838–39 United States House of Repr
esentatives elections New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator List of elections in 1839 Sulphur Crisis of 1840 HMS Cyclops (1839) 1839 Rhode Island gubernatorial election 1840 Connecticut gubernatorial election Postage Act 1839 William Henry Harrison 1840 presidential campaign List of shipwrecks in June 1839 1840 Liberian legislative election La Recherche Expedition John Palmer (1785–1840) 1838–39 United States Senate elections 1839 Maine gubernatorial election Duchy of Limburg (1839–1867) List of shipwrecks in April 1839 1839 Iowa Council election HMS Hecate (1839) 1839 in birding and ornithology List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1840 Assessed Taxes Act 1840 2nd Wisconsin Territ
Khivan campaign of 1839–1840
1839 Whig National Convention
1840–41 United States Senate elections
List of elections in 1840
1840 United States Senate special election in Pennsylvania
1840 Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom
1840 in the United States
Nemesis (1839)
Colt model 1839 carbine
1839 in India
Egyptian–Ottoman War (1839–1841)
1840 United States elections
County Police Act 1839
Act of Union 1840
List of shipwrecks in December 1839
1840 in the United Kingdom
List of shipwrecks in 1839
1839 Massachusetts legislature
List of shipwrecks in October 1839
1840 Pennsylvania's 22nd congressional district special election
1839 Massachusetts gubernatorial election
List of shipwrecks in November 1839
1840 United States presidential election
1840 Pennsylvania's 13th congressional district special election
1840 in India
1840 Democratic National Convention
Siege of Kalat (1839)
1839 Coringa cyclone
List of shipwrecks in September 1839
1840 New York gubernatorial election
Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act 1840
Bombardment of Beirut (1840)
Cleopatra (1839)
List of shipwrecks in August 1839
Oriental Crisis of 1840
Frances (1839)
1840 in archaeology