Directed by Saranyu Jiralaksanakul, produced by Thai company GMMTV and distributed exclusively by Disney+ Hotstar for the first time, this series is one of the sixteen television series of the aforementioned production company for 2021 during their "GMMTV 2021: The New Decade Begins" event on 3 December 2020.[1][2] The series premiered on Hotstar on 6 December 2021[3] meanwhile, it will premiered on GMM 25 on 5 January 2022 airing every Wednesdays and Thursdays at 20:30 ICT (8:30 pm) replacing Baker Boys' timeslot on GMM25.[4][5] The official trailer of the series was released on 25 November 2021 by GMMTV, along with its official main casts and characters.[6]
'55:15 Never Too Late' follows 5 characters, aged 55, who wake up one day as their 15 year old selves. San, a professional voice actor; Jaya, a popular singer who gained popularity during the 1980s; Paul, owner of a bar; Amonthep a former boxer who now owns a boxing ring center, and Jarunee, a high school teacher. The five characters have a second chance to pursue their dreams and aspirations by redoing their lives at the age of 15.
Will the five figure out what turned them back to 15 years old? and will they change back to 55? [4]