The 78th British Academy Film Awards, more commonly known as the BAFTAs, is an upcoming ceremony to be held on 16 February 2025, honouring the best national and foreign films of 2024, at the Royal Festival Hall within London's Southbank Centre.[1][2][3] Presented by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, accolades will be handed out for the best feature-length film and documentaries of any nationality that were screened at British cinemas in 2024.
The ceremony will be hosted by David Tennant for the second year in a row.[4] The broadcast will stream live on BBC One and iPlayer in the United Kingdom, and BritBox in North America, the Nordics and Australia, as well as a host of further international broadcasters yet to be announced.[5] This year, a new Children's and Family Film award "will celebrate the very best films appealing to inter-generational audiences". This is the first new category to be introduced to the EE BAFTA Film Awards in five years, following the introduction of Best Casting in 2020. As previously set out in autumn 2023, the inclusion of a dedicated award for children and family films "will profile the essential creative contributions of the children's media sector".[3][6][7]
The BAFTA longlists were announced on 3 January 2025.[8] The nominees will be announced on 15 January 2025.[3] The winners will be announced on 16 February 2025.[3]