999 is a Malaysian investigativereality television series show. The show has aired on TV3 since 3 January 2002. The current host as of 2014 is Hazlin Hussain after Hazlin following Sarah Adiba Yussof in 2017 and Anim Ezati Rizki in 2018. The show is currently being hosted by Sofea Nursolehha Tun.
Former hosts of the show were Zakiah Anas, Mazidul Akmal Sidek, Halim Din and Omar Abdullah. In its first year, it was one of Malaysia's most watched TV programmes with audiences of over three million.[1]
Kamal Effendi Hashim, former police officer and crime analyst (from 2003 to 2006)
Nor Zabeta,lawyer (from 2019-now)
Dato Akhbar Satar, crime expert
Dato Hazim Pilay, lawyer
In popular culture
999 has made an appearance in the Malaysian action movie J2: Retribusi starring Zul Ariffin, Ashraf Sinclair and former 999 host Anim Ezati, serving as a cameo of herself during the ending scene and it's Disney Hotstar premiering in 2021. The show has also made an appearance in the Malaysian drama Gerak Khas Undercover, aired by TV3 starring Khalida Balqis as Alia in 2021. [citation needed]