A Crime
A Crime (French title: Un crime) is a 2006 thriller film directed by Manuel Pradal, written by Pradal and Tonino Benacquista, and starring Emmanuelle Béart. The film unfolds the story of Vincent (Norman Reedus) who looks for his wife's killer. In the process, his neighbor Alice (Emmanuelle Béart) decides to invent a culprit, so that he can find revenge. However, there is no ideal culprit and crime. SynopsisIn the evening, while returning to his place, Vincent Harris (Reedus) crosses a taxi coming from his house. When he arrives, it is too late: his wife Ashley was brutally murdered. Three years later, Vincent moves to New York, and his neighbor, Alice Parker (Béart), is frantically in love with him, but having been always distressed and obsessed to discover the assassin of his woman, he himself does not recognize any feeling at least. To make Vincent be free to open his heart to her, Alice is willing to find the man responsible for his wife's death. When Alice hails a cab driven by lonely New Yorker Roger Culkin (Keitel), her elaborate plan is slowly set into motion in spite of the ignorance of both men. Cast
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