In an unnamed American city, one of the men working for a dangerous Yakuza boss known as Akira Tanaka steals a statuette that Tanaka had planned to use as a peace offering between the local Yakuza and a rival Chinese tong. After Tanaka recovers the statuette and kills the bandit with the help of his underling F.C., two private investigators are hired for the exchange of bailout money to restore the statuette to its rightful place. However, their business plan to recover it statue gets worse and both investiagors are killed. Clay Roth is one of them, and the news of his murder infuriates his brothers Jim and Tommy Roth and their father, Burt Roth. What the Yakuza gang does not know is that all three of them happen to be war veterans, so they arm themselves and go off to find the person responsible for their family member's death, and to get their revenge as well.