The cover of the Armorial of Little Russia
Armorial of Little Russia (pre-reform Russian : Малороссїйскїй гербовникъ ) is an armorial of noble Ukrainian (Little Russian ) families from the Russian Empire . It was published in 1914, in Saint Petersburg , by the nobility of Chernigov Governorate . The Armorial was edited by Russian historian Vladislav Lukomski and Ukrainian historian Vadym Modzalevski , and illustrated by Ukrainian artist Heorhiy Narbut . It contains images and description of 700 coats of arms of Ukrainian, predominantly Cossack , families.
В. К. Лукомскїй, В. Л. Модзалевскїй. Малороссїйский гербовnикъ. — Санкт-Петербургъ: типография С.Н. Тройницкого "Сириус", изданїε Черниговскаго дворѧнства, 1914.
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