July 12, 2014 (2014-07-12) – February 7, 2015 (2015-02-07)
Astroblast! is an American animated science fiction children's television series created by Bob Kolar for Sprout. The series follows Comet, a loving red dog, Sputnik, an adventurous peach pig, Halley, a smoothie-delivering pink rabbit, Radar, a bouncy brown monkey, and Jet, a mute green alligator, who live together with an alien octopus named Sal in the Astroblast Space Station to the fictional smoothie cafe known as the Frosty Star.
Based on the book series Astroblast! by author and illustrator Bob Kolar, the series is co-produced by Scholastic Media[1] and Soup2Nuts and debuted on July 12, 2014. The series also started airing on NBC Kids, the Saturday morning programming block on NBC in October 2014.[1] It was the final show produced by Soup2Nuts before its closure in August 2015.
An early promo for the series featured a variation on the theme music from The A-Team.[2]
In 2021, FilmRise picked up the show for distribution.[3] The show is currently available for streaming on the FilmRise multimedia platform, and on The Roku Channel, Pluto TV and Tubi TV in the United States, as well as on the Clan television channel and RTVE Play in Spain. The series is available more than 10 languages and has aired in over 20 countries internationally.
A group of high-spirited and fun-loving animals who live with their alien octopus friend in the Astroblast Space Station, which also houses a large library and a smoothie café called the Frosty Star.
Vinnie Penna as Comet, Morg, Bloodoo, Flash, additional voices
Gigi Abraham as Halley, Zelda, Sal's GamGam, Glippi, Bippity-Bops, additional voices
Veronica Taylor as Sputnik, Carly Cosmos, Bippity-Bops, Laney, additional voices
Joe Gaudet as Radar, Bob, Cosmo Carson, additional voices
Jet is a silent cameo. He's also a mute. He cannot speak. Instead he only communicates by using gestures and sign language in many ways.
The series was dubbed into ten languages. Finnish network Yle TV2 began broadcasting the series in November 2016, during the “Pikku Kakkonen” programming block. In Ireland, it aired on TG4, in Spain, it aired on Clan, and in Thailand, it aired on True Spark. The series have previously available on Hulu before 2019. FilmRise picked up the show for distribution, and it is currently available on The Roku Channel, Pluto TV and Tubi TV.