Stephen Vail Solomon Hill (politician) John Robertson (Nova Scotia politician) Staples Hill Cushing Prince Nathaniel Webb (MP) Ransom bond Robert Webb (MP) Richard Callicott Garrison Cemetery (Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia) Randall Holden Jr. Clara Erskine Clement Dorcas Hoar Elbridge Trask Job Greene Peter Rawson Taft Thomas Overton Moore Newton H. Hall William Hendley (priest) Ebenezer Baldwin Lower Falls (Yarmouth, Maine) Levi S. Backus Josiah Taft Randall Holden Elizabeth Tilley Alfred Vail Thomas Mayhew John Howland Salem witch trials Joel F. Nason Percy Bysshe Shelley List of shipwrecks in May 1867 Associated Daughters of Early American Witches
Stephen Vail
Solomon Hill (politician)
John Robertson (Nova Scotia politician)
Staples Hill
Cushing Prince
Nathaniel Webb (MP)
Ransom bond
Robert Webb (MP)
Richard Callicott
Garrison Cemetery (Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia)
Randall Holden Jr.
Clara Erskine Clement
Dorcas Hoar
Elbridge Trask
Job Greene
Peter Rawson Taft
Thomas Overton Moore
Newton H. Hall
William Hendley (priest)
Ebenezer Baldwin
Lower Falls (Yarmouth, Maine)
Levi S. Backus
Josiah Taft
Randall Holden
Elizabeth Tilley
Alfred Vail
Thomas Mayhew
John Howland
Salem witch trials
Joel F. Nason
Percy Bysshe Shelley
List of shipwrecks in May 1867
Associated Daughters of Early American Witches
Solomon Hill (politician)
John Robertson (Nova Scotia politician)
Staples Hill
Cushing Prince
Nathaniel Webb (MP)
Ransom bond
Robert Webb (MP)
Richard Callicott
Garrison Cemetery (Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia)
Randall Holden Jr.
Clara Erskine Clement
Dorcas Hoar
Elbridge Trask
Job Greene
Peter Rawson Taft
Thomas Overton Moore
Newton H. Hall
William Hendley (priest)
Ebenezer Baldwin
Lower Falls (Yarmouth, Maine)
Levi S. Backus
Josiah Taft
Randall Holden
Elizabeth Tilley
Alfred Vail
Thomas Mayhew
John Howland
Salem witch trials
Joel F. Nason
Percy Bysshe Shelley
List of shipwrecks in May 1867
Associated Daughters of Early American Witches