The Bridge of Lies is a British 2022 quiz show that has aired on BBC One since March 2022 and is presented by Ross Kemp.
The British quiz show (hosted by Ross Kemp) involves a group of contestants who individually take turns to cross the 'Bridge of Lies', a digital floor that gradually displays both correct and wrong answers for a given category, and contribute toward a final cash prize. It always ends with a "Final Crossing" segment in which the contestants who successfully crossed the bridge must earn the accumulated cash prize by crossing another bridge, selecting the true statement amongst the wrong ones a number of times; these statements are all "general knowledge" rather than corresponding to a category.[2]
Writing for The Guardian, Stuart Heritage called Bridge of Lies "sleek and gleaming and finely engineered programme-making" and praised Kemp's hosting.[13]
International versions
International format rights are held globally by BBC Studios Distribution except for the United States and Australia, which were retained by format owners STV Studios.[14]