Carrie (franchise)
Carrie is an American horror media franchise, based on the 1974 novel of the same name by author Stephen King. The series consists of four films, a Broadway musical and a television special. NovelIn the novel, which was King’s first work, a slightly overweight, shy, and usually bullied girl named Carietta "Carrie" Nadine White is being raised by Margaret, an unstable religious fanatic who thinks almost everything could be sinful. The book describes an odd incident of her exhibiting signs of telekinesis as a child, before focusing on her as a teen in high school; when she gets her first period in the shower, she panics as Margaret never taught her to prepare for having a period. Popular girls Christine "Chris" Hargensen and Susan "Sue" Snell ringlead the other girls to chant "period" and taunt Carrie. A few of the girls even throw tampons, further confusing Carrie, who believes she is dying. The gym teacher, Rita Desjardin, punishes the girls with a week of detention and suspends Chris when she refuses to comply. Desjardin also sends Carrie home with Margaret, believing Carrie should confront her mother about never being taught about a period. Margaret locks Carrie in the "praying closet," as Margaret believes that periods are a symbol of a sexual sin on Carrie's part. However, she lets Carrie out much earlier than she does normally, and Carrie believes it is because her mother knows that Carrie has become aware of her own powers. Meanwhile, Chris is furious at her suspension and decides to take revenge on Carrie. Sue, however, feels bad about her part in the incident and wants to apologize, but is too nervous to do so. She tells her boyfriend Thomas "Tommy" Ross to ask Carrie to prom, noting that Carrie has a crush on him “like half the girls in the school.” Carrie originally thinks that the invitation was a means of tricking her, but Tommy pleads, and Carrie realizes that his invitation is genuine and accepts. She then sews herself a beautiful white dress to wear to the prom. Meanwhile, Chris and her boyfriend Billy Nolan collect pigs’ blood in a bucket and hang it over the auditorium stage. Chris employs her friend Tina Blake to make fake Prom Queen ballots with Carrie’s name on them so that she will be called onstage, where the blood will dump on Carrie and humiliate her. On prom night, Margaret initially forbids Carrie to attend prom, claiming that Tommy and the others will laugh at her, but Carrie is tired of her mother controlling her life and uses her powers to shove her mother into the "praying closet." At prom, the blood is dumped on Carrie, but in the process the bucket falls and hits Tommy on the head, killing him. Carrie at first flees in sadness, but is soon overtaken by rage and locks the gymnasium doors with her powers and sets the room on fire. She continues to wreak havoc on the scene, killing multiple students and teachers. Leaving a path of destruction in her wake, Carrie returns home, where Margaret tells Carrie that she was conceived in a bizarre instance of marital rape. Margaret then comes to the conclusion that Carrie's powers come from Satan and stabs her with a knife. Carrie telekinetically stops Margaret's heart in an attempt to save herself, but is immediately regretful of this and of all she has done. Carrie attempts to flee, but she is bleeding so heavily from the stab wound that she can barely walk. Sue finds Carrie, and after a brief telepathic conversation, Carrie forgives Sue. Soon after, Carrie dies crying out to her mother. Films
Carrie (1976)The Rage: Carrie 2Carrie (2002)Carrie (2013)TelevisionSpecial
A television special of The CW series Riverdale, based on Carrie: The Musical, from the series second season episode titled "Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember". The series' cast portrayed the characters from the musical, also with their respective characters of Archie Comics from the series.[1] "A Night to Remember" also made references to the 1976 film.[2] MiniseriesIn December 2019, Collider reported that a new adaptation, a miniseries, is in development at FX and MGM Television.[3] In October 2024, Amazon MGM Studios announced they were developing a series adaptation of the novel with American filmmaker Mike Flanagan.[4][5] Flanagan had previously written and directed the Stephen King adaptations Doctor Sleep, Gerald's Game & The Life of Chuck. Cancelled projectsA television series which served as a follow-up to the 2002 film was in development, only to be cancelled by NBC due to the 2002 film's low ratings. Cast and characters
Additional crew and production details
ReceptionBox office performance
Critical and public response
MusicMusicalIn 1988, a Broadway adaptation of Carrie was produced to scathing reviews. It closed after 16 previews and 5 performances. An Off-Broadway revival began previews on January 1, 2012 and officially opened on March 1, 2012. It closed on April 8 of the same year.[18] Soundtracks