Cats & Dogs (film series)
The Cats & Dogs film series consists of spy-comedies, produced by Warner Bros. Entertainment, including two theatrical films, and one straight-to-home video release. Centered around a conflict of the ages between the titular species, the plot involves agents of two opposing covert operations agencies of rival animals. The teams of spies work together, unbeknownst to its human inhabitants. The first film was met with mixed critical reception. Praise was directed at its watchability for an audience of all ages, as well as its concept, creativity and effective use of special effects.[1][2] Overall it fared well at the box office.[3] Conversely, the second installment was met with mostly negative critical reviews with criticism for its clichéd formulaic plot,[4] while receiving praise for its "faster, funnier" nature,[5] but was a box office flop.[6] The third film was met with overwhelming negative reviews with criticism directed towards its story plot, its use of juvenile humor, poor CGI special effects, and unoriginality.[7] Despite this, George Lopez's role in the story was noted as a redeeming contribution to the film.[8] As the film was a straight-to-video release, its sales compared to its budget lost money for the studio.[9] Film
Cats & Dogs (2001)A high-tech, secret war takes place throughout neighborhoods worldwide that human beings are not aware of stemming from an ancient rivalry between cats and dogs. When a Persian cat named Mr. Tinkles implements a plan to destroy a breakthrough vaccination that is intended to end all human allergies to man's best friend, a Beagle named Louis "Lou" Brody is recruited by D.O.G., a discreet espionage organization of canines. Under the mentorship of an Anatolian Shepherd, Lou scrambles to foil the nefarious plans of M.E.O.W.S., the counterpart organization of felines.[10][11][12] Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)Amongst generations of battles between cats and dogs, a Sphynx cat former agent of M.E.O.W.S. named Ivana Clawyu develops a diabolical plan against canines and her former feline collaborators, with a new alias of Kitty Galore. In defense of themselves and their humans, agents of separate spy organizations (D.O.G. and M.E.O.W.S.) team up in an unprecedented union to stop Galore from exacting her revenge on the world.[5] Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! (2020)An American Shorthair cat named Gwen and a Border Collie named Roger are spies covertly working together to defend the world and the unknowing humans. The partnership of cats and dogs comes from the Great Truce, which stopped the ancient rivalry between them for the last decade. A villainous mastermind cockatoo named Pablo seeks to destroy the long-standing truce, by wirelessly manipulating frequencies that only the felines and canines can hear. Together, agents of F.A.R.T. (Furry Animals Rivalry Termination) work to stop the foul-play before it permanently separates the species.[10] Primary cast and charactersList indicators
This section includes characters who will appear or have appeared in more than two films in the series.
Additional crew and production details
ReceptionBox office and financial performance
Critical and public response