In order to save her father's orphanage, Judy (Love) answers a request to have the "eldest boy" work in the kitchen of a rich, miserly woman. She disguises herself as a boy, and, there, she crosses paths with the woman's son Horace (Harlan), whom she mistrusts, but who realizes that she is a girl and who falls in love with her. Judy thwarts the son's plans to steal from his mother's safe. The son realizes his error, and Judy falls in love with him.[3][6][7][8][9]
The film was generally well-received, called an "adroit comedy" and "perfectly done",[10] and it had a wide appeal.[11][12][13][14] Some reviewers deemed the film "too slow."[15]
It was noted that, although her performance was strong,[16] Bessie Love was not yet fully a box office draw throughout the country.[17][18]
^Hanson, Patricia King, ed. (1988). The American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures Produced in the United States: Feature Films 1911–1920. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. p. 101. ISBN978-0-520-06301-3.
^ abMilne, Peter (April 28, 1917). "Screen Examinations". Motion Picture News. Vol. 15, no. 17. p. 2690.