Cold Blue Rebels is an American four piece psychobilly band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 2009 by members of Jetboy, The Zeros and Glamour Punks. To date, the band has released two albums and one digital EP.
Cold Blue Rebels was formed in 2009 by bassist Danny Dangerous, vocalist Mickey Finn, guitarist Joe Normal and drummer vocalist Spazz Draztik. The band played their debut show on November 28, 2009, in Downtown Los Angeles [1]
In October 2011, it was announced that the band had completed work on their debut album, “Blood, Guts, n’ Rock & Roll”, for a January 2011 release.[2] The band promoted its release by releasing the video "Hell Block 13".[3]
Cold Blue Rebels released their second album “Love Of The Undead” in 2012, and were added as special guests to two separate legs of Wednesday 13’s “Curse The Living” tour.[6][7]
In 2015, drummer Al Diablo joined Micky Finn a member of Jetboy.[8]
On October 18, 2019, Cold Blue Rebels announced the release of their EP “The House That Frank Built” to commemorate the band's 10 year anniversary. This also marked the return of original drummer Spazz Draztik.[9]