Commando (film series)
Commando is a series of Indian Hindi-language action thriller films produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah under the banner of Sunshine Pictures. The film series is co-produced and distributed by Reliance Entertainment. The first film Commando: A One Man Army was released in 2013 is directed by Dilip Ghosh, the second film Commando 2: The Black Money Trail released in 2017 is directed by Deven Bhojani while the third film Commando 3 is directed by Aditya Datt released in 2019. The series follows the story of an Indian Commando named Karanveer 'Karan' Singh Dogra (Vidyut Jammwal) and his missions. The protagonist's name is inspired by Karan Singh, the Dogra dynasty ex-crown prince of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammwal, who is trained in the Indian martial arts of Kalaripayattu, performs his own stunts and martial arts in the film's action sequences. Commando 2 is the only film in the series to be released along with its Tamil and Telugu dubbed versions. FilmsCommando: A One Man Army (2013)Indian Commando Karanveer "Karan" Singh Dogra escapes from the Government of China after being accused as a spy, where he meets a woman named Simrit, who is on run from AK-74 and decides to protect her. Commando 2: The Black Money Trail (2017)Karan is assigned with Inspector Bhavna Reddy and ACP Bakthwar Khan to capture Vicky Chadda, a money launderer from Malaysia. Commando 3 (2019)Karan and Bhavna Reddy are assigned on a mission in London to stop a terror st named Buraq Ansari from committing terrorist attacks in India. SeriesCommando (2023)A continuation of the film series with Adah Sharma reprising her character. The TV series introduced a new commando Virat played by debutante Prem.[1] Games
Commando 2, an action mobile video game adaptation was developed by Zapak Mobile Games Pvt. Ltd. to accompany the film's release. Cast and characters
Release and revenue