Cyber Group Studios (formerly Cyber Group Animation) is a French developer, producer and distributor of animated television series and movies for children in France and internationally. The company was founded by Pierre Sissmann, Dominique Bourse, Billy "Frédéric" Richard, Olivier Lelardoux and Cécilia Bosselin in 2003 and produces 3D and 2D animation products for television series and movies, web series, and news and documentaries. It also licenses its own and third-party characters.
Cyber Group Animation was founded in 2003. The company changed its name to Cyber Group Studios in March 2009.[1]
Cyber Group in 2016 acquired Pictor Media.[2] In January 2017, the company launched Cyber Group Studios USA, a subsidiary located at the Culver Studios in Culver City, California, under president and CEO Richard Goldsmith.[3] In September 2017, the L-GAM investment company bought out the company's minority investors.[2]
On March 1, 2018, Cyber Group hired Thierry Braille, formerly VP and MD at Disney Interactive EMEA, as head of its new interactive division.[4] In November 2018, Cyber Group Studios opened in Roubaix, France an animation studio.[5]
On January 25, 2022, Cyber Group Studios acquired UK-based production company A Productions.[6] On February 8, 2022, Cyber Group Studios acquired Italian animation studio Graphilm Entertainment.[7]
On June 2, 2023, Dominique Bourse was named chairman and CEO of Cyber Group Studios, with Pierre Sissman retiring from the company.[9]
On March 11, 2024, Pierre Belaisch was named chief creative officer of Cyber Group Studios, succeeding Pierre Sissman.[10]
On November 7, 2024, Cyber Group Studios announced it has entered the judicial recovery process from insolvency.[11] On December 18, 2024, four acquisition offers from Cyber Group Studios have been registered: a joint-venture between United Smile, Toonz Media Group and Atlas Global; Solent Productions; Newen Studios; and Hildegarde.[12]
Animated television series
Some are adaptations, while others are licensed from other countries.[13]