The series follows the adventures of an unusual chief of the smallest police station and her fellow officers, Branko and Željko, and retired police officer Milo, in a quiet and picturesque place where there is no signal, which seems to be stuck in the past.[5][6][7][8] Božena (Ksenija Pajić), is a policewoman with a strong hand and a big heart. Božena is used to being the one issuing orders. She tolerates authority badly, especially if that authority is Chief Jure (Enes Vejzović), who is about as stubborn as her and with whom she used to be in a relationship a long time ago. Božena has a husband, Kruna (Siniša Ružić), who is the local dentist. Dizmovo is a place where there is no crime and where the heroes of the series lead a comfortable life: they get paid, and there is no work to do. Problems arise when the Management informs them that they plan to shut down their station precisely because of lack of work, and to send them on transfer.[5][6][7] They don't like it because everyone is connected to the place in some way. Božena has a secret from the past that keeps her from moving out, Branko (Fabijan Pavao Medvešek) has a fiancée in the village and is about to get the apartment he has been waiting for a long time, and Željko (Roko Sikavica) has fallen fatally in love. They come up with a somewhat unconventional solution: to invent a crime that they will then solve on their own and thus "create" a job for themselves.[5][7] However, over time and with the involvement of other locals, the "crime" outgrows their professional abilities and the whole plan gradually begins to fall apart with a series of fun incidents and accidents.[5][6][7] Life without signal means a story full of life. In addition to "returning" to an innocent, simpler, more romantic world, it also offers a lot of humor in a time when people are addicted to cell phones (for example, the signal can come short and completely change place; and not for the better. The signal is very rare and it can be badly caught in strange places, the locals hardly try anymore, but the newcomers will struggle with it). Although the action takes place "today", in a small town everything is just as it used to be. Calm down, tucked away and safe. No signal, but no stress. People talk looking into each other's eyes, children play in the street, Sunday smells of soup and baking, and the nights are quiet and serene.