Dunia Baru The Movie (English: The New World The Movie) is a 2008 MalaysianMalay-languageadventurecomedy film based on the comedy drama series Dunia Baru, directed by M. Hitler Zami. It was released on 7 February 2008.
The film begins when Opie (Elyana) gets a surprise through a letter written by Anizah (Anita Baharom) expressing her desire to go to Thailand and marry Fazley (Mohd Hafiz). According to the contents of the letter, Anizah was so determined that she was willing to give up the offer to continue her studies in the UK. This upsets his close friends Opie, Madihah (Anne Ngasri), Suzanna (Almy Nadia), Adif (Pierre Andre) and Tajol (Wan Elyas). They conspire to chase Anizah and change her mind.
While on the highway, there were three people namely Citrawana who poured oil on the road causing Tajul and his gang to back the car. Tajul and his gang sent his car to the workshop.
Elyana as Opie - A tomboy girl, and has her own best friends, Erika and Suzana
Anita Baharom as Anizah - A girl who wants to go to study in the UK, but has been kidnapped by her own boyfriend, Fazley
Ellyas Abdullah as Tajul
Pierre Andre as Adif - A brave man, has a lover named Erika
Baizura Kahar as Erika
Anne Ngasri as Madihah
Iqram Dinzly as Darius -A strong jealous person, willing to leave Madihah to save the gangs to find Anizah, but Darius turned good when he saw Adif and Opie singing
Almy Nadia as Suzana
Mohd Hafiz as Fazley - A most cruel person who wants to marry Anizah to Thailand, seize Anizah's diary, kidnap Anizah, and two workers, namely Anak Seekers and Mujeed, but were finally arrested by the police after Adif managed to seize back Anizah's diary from him
Md Yeakub Jalil as Mujeed - A Bangladeshi boy who works as an oil filler, but when Fazley kidnaps Mujeed after Anizah Mujeed wants to report to the police