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Quaternary structure of dynactin

Dynactin is a 23 subunit protein complex that acts as a co-factor for the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein-1. It is built around a short filament of actin related protein-1 (Arp1).[1][2]


Dynactin was identified as an activity that allowed purified cytoplasmic dynein to move membrane vesicles along microtubules in vitro.[3] It was shown to be a multiprotein complex and named "dynactin" because of its role in dynein activation.[4]

The main features of dynactin were visualized by quick-freeze, deep-etch, rotary shadow electron microscopy. It appears as a short filament, 37-nm in length, which resembles F-actin, plus a thinner, laterally oriented arm.[5] Antibody labelling was used to map the location of the dynactin subunits.[5][6]


Dynactin consists of three major structural domains: (1) sidearm-shoulder: DCTN1/p150Glued, DCTN2/p50/dynamitin, DCTN3/p24/p22;(2)the Arp1 filament: ACTR1A/Arp1/centractin, actin, CapZ; and (3) the pointed end complex: Actr10/Arp11, DCTN4/p62, DCTN5/p25, and DCTN6/p27.[1]

A 4Å cryo-EM structure of dynactin [7] revealed that its filament contains eight Arp1 molecules, one β-actin and one Arp11. In the pointed end complex p62/DCTN4 binds to Arp11 and β-actin and p25 and p27 bind both p62 and Arp11. At the barbed end the capping protein (CapZαβ) binds the Arp1 filament in the same way that it binds actin, although with more charge complementarity, explaining why it binds dynactin more tightly than actin.[8]

The shoulder contains two copies of p150Glued/DCTN1, four copies of p50/DCTN2 and two copies of p24/DCTN3.[1] These proteins form long bundles of alpha helices, which wrap over each other and contact the Arp1 filament.[7] The N-termini of p50/DCTN2 emerge from the shoulder and coat the filament, providing a mechanism for controlling the filament length.[7] The C-termini of the p150Glued/DCTN1 dimer are embedded in the shoulder, whereas the N-terminal 1227 amino acids form the projecting arm. The arm consists of an N-terminal CAPGly domain which can bind the C-terminal tails of microtubules and the microtubule plus end binding protein EB1. This is followed by a basic region, also involved in microtubule binding, a folded-back coiled coil (CC1), the intercoiled domain (ICD) and a second coiled coil domain (CC2).[7] The p150Glued arm can dock into against the side of the Arp1 filament and pointed end complex.[7]

DCTN2 (dynamitin) is also involved in anchoring microtubules to centrosomes and may play a role in synapse formation during brain development.[9] Arp1 has been suggested as the domain for dynactin binding to membrane vesicles (such as Golgi or late endosome) through its association with β-spectrin.[10][11][12][13] The pointed end complex (PEC) has been shown to be involved in selective cargo binding. PEC subunits p62/DCTN4 and Arp11/Actr10 are essential for dynactin complex integrity and dynactin/dynein targeting to the nuclear envelope before mitosis.[14][15][16] Actr10 along with Drp1 (Dynamin related protein 1) have been documented as vital to the attachment of mitochondria to the dynactin complex.[17] Dynactin p25/DCTN5 and p27/DCTN6 are not essential for dynactin complex integrity, but are required for early and recycling endosome transport during the interphase and regulation of the spindle assembly checkpoint in mitosis.[16][18][19]

Interaction with dynein

Dynein and dynactin were reported to interact directly by the binding of dynein intermediate chains with p150Glued.[20] The affinity of this interaction is around 3.5μM.[21] Dynein and dynactin do not run together in a sucrose gradient, but can be induced to form a tight complex in the presence of the N-terminal 400 amino acids of Bicaudal D2 (BICD2), a cargo adaptor that links dynein and dynactin to Golgi derived vesicles.[22] In the presence of BICD2, dynactin binds to dynein and activates it to move for long distances along microtubules.[23][24]

A cryo-EM structure of dynein, dynactin and BICD2 [7] showed that the BICD2 coiled coil runs along the dynactin filament. The tail of dynein also binds to the Arp1 filament, sitting in the equivalent site that myosin uses to bind actin. The contacts between the dynein tail and dynactin all involve BICD, explaining why it is needed to bring them together. The dynein/dynactin/BICD2 (DDB) complex has also been observed, by negative stain EM, on microtubules. This shows that the cargo (Rab6) binding end of BICD2 extends out through the pointed end complex at the opposite end away from the dynein motor domains.[25]


Dynactin is often essential for dynein activity[1][3] and can be thought of as a "dynein receptor"[20] that modulates binding of dynein to cell organelles which are to be transported along microtubules.[26][27] Dynactin also enhances the processivity of cytoplasmic dynein[28] and kinesin-2 motors.[29] Dynactin is involved in various processes like chromosome alignment and spindle organization[30] in cell division.[31] Dynactin contributes to mitotic spindle pole focusing through its binding to nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA).[32][33] Dynactin also targets to the kinetochore through binding between DCTN2/dynamitin and zw10 and has a role in mitotic spindle checkpoint inactivation.[34][35] During prometaphase, dynactin also helps target polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) to kinetochores through cyclin dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1)-phosphorylated DCTN6/p27, which is involved in proper microtubule-kinetochore attachment and recruitment of spindle assembly checkpoint protein Mad1.[19] In addition, dynactin has been shown to play an essential role in maintaining nuclear position in Drosophila,[36] zebrafish[37] or in different fungi.[38][39] Dynein and dynactin concentrate on the nuclear envelope during the prophase and facilitate nuclear envelope breakdown via its DCTN4/p62 and Arp11 subunits.[16][14] Dynactin is also required for microtubule anchoring at centrosomes and centrosome integrity.[40] Destabilization of the centrosomal pool of dynactin also causes abnormal G1 centriole separation and delayed entry into S phase, suggesting that dynactin contributes to the recruitment of important cell cycle regulators to centrosomes.[41] In addition to transport of various organelles in the cytoplasm, dynactin also links kinesin II to organelles.[42]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Schroer TA (November 2004). "Dynactin". Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 20: 759–79. doi:10.1146/annurev.cellbio.20.012103.094623. PMID 15473859.
  2. ^ Carter AP, Diamant AG, Urnavicius L (April 2016). "How dynein and dynactin transport cargos: a structural perspective". Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 37: 62–70. doi:10.1016/ PMID 26773477.
  3. ^ a b Schroer TA, Sheetz MP (December 1991). "Two activators of microtubule-based vesicle transport". The Journal of Cell Biology. 115 (5): 1309–18. doi:10.1083/jcb.115.5.1309. PMC 2289226. PMID 1835460.
  4. ^ Gill SR, Schroer TA, Szilak I, Steuer ER, Sheetz MP, Cleveland DW (December 1991). "Dynactin, a conserved, ubiquitously expressed component of an activator of vesicle motility mediated by cytoplasmic dynein". The Journal of Cell Biology. 115 (6): 1639–50. doi:10.1083/jcb.115.6.1639. PMC 2289205. PMID 1836789.
  5. ^ a b Schafer DA, Gill SR, Cooper JA, Heuser JE, Schroer TA (July 1994). "Ultrastructural analysis of the dynactin complex: an actin-related protein is a component of a filament that resembles F-actin". The Journal of Cell Biology. 126 (2): 403–12. doi:10.1083/jcb.126.2.403. PMC 2200042. PMID 7518465.
  6. ^ Eckley DM, Gill SR, Melkonian KA, Bingham JB, Goodson HV, Heuser JE, Schroer TA (October 1999). "Analysis of dynactin subcomplexes reveals a novel actin-related protein associated with the arp1 minifilament pointed end". The Journal of Cell Biology. 147 (2): 307–20. doi:10.1083/jcb.147.2.307. PMC 2174220. PMID 10525537.
  7. ^ a b c d e f Urnavicius L, Zhang K, Diamant AG, Motz C, Schlager MA, Yu M, Patel NA, Robinson CV, Carter AP (March 2015). "The structure of the dynactin complex and its interaction with dynein". Science. 347 (6229): 1441–1446. Bibcode:2015Sci...347.1441U. doi:10.1126/science.aaa4080. PMC 4413427. PMID 25814576.
  8. ^ Cheong FK, Feng L, Sarkeshik A, Yates JR, Schroer TA (July 2014). "Dynactin integrity depends upon direct binding of dynamitin to Arp1". Molecular Biology of the Cell. 25 (14): 2171–80. doi:10.1091/mbc.E14-03-0842. PMC 4091830. PMID 24829381.
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  11. ^ Holleran EA, Ligon LA, Tokito M, Stankewich MC, Morrow JS, Holzbaur EL (September 2001). "beta III spectrin binds to the Arp1 subunit of dynactin". The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276 (39): 36598–605. doi:10.1074/jbc.M104838200. PMID 11461920.
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  16. ^ a b c Yeh TY, Quintyne NJ, Scipioni BR, Eckley DM, Schroer TA (October 2012). "Dynactin's pointed-end complex is a cargo-targeting module". Molecular Biology of the Cell. 23 (19): 3827–37. doi:10.1091/mbc.E12-07-0496. PMC 3459859. PMID 22918948.
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  34. ^ Howell BJ, McEwen BF, Canman JC, Hoffman DB, Farrar EM, Rieder CL, Salmon ED (December 2001). "Cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin drives kinetochore protein transport to the spindle poles and has a role in mitotic spindle checkpoint inactivation". The Journal of Cell Biology. 155 (7): 1159–72. doi:10.1083/jcb.200105093. PMC 2199338. PMID 11756470.
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  36. ^ Whited JL, Cassell A, Brouillette M, Garrity PA (October 2004). "Dynactin is required to maintain nuclear position within postmitotic Drosophila photoreceptor neurons". Development. 131 (19): 4677–86. doi:10.1242/dev.01366. PMC 2714772. PMID 15329347.
  37. ^ Tsujikawa M, Omori Y, Biyanwila J, Malicki J (September 2007). "Mechanism of positioning the cell nucleus in vertebrate photoreceptors". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104 (37): 14819–24. Bibcode:2007PNAS..10414819T. doi:10.1073/pnas.0700178104. PMC 1976238. PMID 17785424.
  38. ^ Xiang X, Han G, Winkelmann DA, Zuo W, Morris NR (May 2000). "Dynamics of cytoplasmic dynein in living cells and the effect of a mutation in the dynactin complex actin-related protein Arp1". Current Biology. 10 (10): 603–6. doi:10.1016/S0960-9822(00)00488-7. PMID 10837229. S2CID 29254054.
  39. ^ Bruno KS, Tinsley JH, Minke PF, Plamann M (May 1996). "Genetic interactions among cytoplasmic dynein, dynactin, and nuclear distribution mutants of Neurospora crassa". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93 (10): 4775–80. Bibcode:1996PNAS...93.4775B. doi:10.1073/pnas.93.10.4775. PMC 39355. PMID 8643479.
  40. ^ Quintyne NJ, Gill SR, Eckley DM, Crego CL, Compton DA, Schroer TA (October 1999). "Dynactin is required for microtubule anchoring at centrosomes". The Journal of Cell Biology. 147 (2): 321–34. doi:10.1083/jcb.147.2.321. PMC 2174233. PMID 10525538.
  41. ^ Quintyne NJ, Schroer TA (October 2002). "Distinct cell cycle-dependent roles for dynactin and dynein at centrosomes". The Journal of Cell Biology. 159 (2): 245–54. doi:10.1083/jcb.200203089. PMC 2173046. PMID 12391026.
  42. ^ Deacon SW, Serpinskaya AS, Vaughan PS, Lopez Fanarraga M, Vernos I, Vaughan KT, Gelfand VI (February 2003). "Dynactin is required for bidirectional organelle transport". The Journal of Cell Biology. 160 (3): 297–301. doi:10.1083/jcb.200210066. PMC 2172679. PMID 12551954.

Further reading

This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR008603

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土库曼斯坦总统土库曼斯坦国徽土库曼斯坦总统旗現任谢尔达尔·别尔德穆哈梅多夫自2022年3月19日官邸阿什哈巴德总统府(Oguzkhan Presidential Palace)機關所在地阿什哈巴德任命者直接选举任期7年,可连选连任首任萨帕尔穆拉特·尼亚佐夫设立1991年10月27日 土库曼斯坦土库曼斯坦政府与政治 国家政府 土库曼斯坦宪法 国旗 国徽 国歌 立法機關(英语:National Council of Turkmenistan) 土…

Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento attori italiani non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Carlo Delle Piane nel 1995 Carlo Delle Piane (Roma, 2 febbraio 1936 – Roma, 23 agosto 2019) è stato un attore italiano. Indice 1 Biografia 1.1 Carriera 1.2 La morte 2 Filmografia 2.1 Cinema 2.2 Televisione …

1976 studio album by Ron CarterYellow & GreenStudio album by Ron CarterReleased1976RecordedMay 17, 18 and 20, 1976StudioVan Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJGenreJazzLength36:44LabelCTIProducerCreed TaylorRon Carter chronology Anything Goes(1975) Yellow & Green(1976) Pastels(1976) Yellow & Green is an album by bassist Ron Carter recorded at Van Gelder Studio in New Jersey in 1976 and released on the CTI label.[1] Reception Professional ratingsReview scoresSourceRati…

GhadiPoster filmSutradaraAmin DoraProduserGabriel ChamounDitulis olehGeorges KhabbazPemeranGeorges KhabbazSinematograferKarim GhorayebTanggal rilis 31 Oktober 2013 (2013-10-31) Durasi95 menitNegaraLebanonBahasaArab Ghadi (Arab: غدي) adalah sebuah film drama Lebanon 2013 yang disutradarai oleh Amin Dora. Film tersebut aslinya terpilih sebagai perwakilan Lebanon untuk Film Berbahasa Asing Terbaik di Academy Awards ke-86[1][2] dalam persaingan ketat dengan Blind Intersec…

محددات الإدخال الخطي النصي الجزيئي المبسطامتداد الملف smi[1]، smiles[1]صيغة وسائط الإنترنت chemical/x-daylight-smiles[1]موقع الويب… (الإنجليزية) تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات توليد سماليز مواصفات الإدخال النصي المبسط للجزيئات أو سمايلز (بالإنجليزية: Simplified molecular inp…

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