"I have a timely word of advice: arrogance (hybris) is truly the child of impiety (dyssebia), but from health of soul comes happiness, dear to all, much prayed for."[2]
Dyssebeia (Impietas) was called upon by Hera when the goddess was angry towards Heracles, Zeus's illegitimate son.[3]
"One in deep darkness buried, far down below the place of banishment of guilty souls, will I call up – the goddess Discordia/ Eris (Discord), whom a huge cavern, barred by a mountain, guards; I will bring her forth, and drag out from the deepest realm of Dis/ Hades whatever thou hast left; hateful Scelus (Crime) shall come and reckless Impietas/ Dyssebeia (Impiety), stained with kindred blood, Error/ Ate, and Furor/ Lyssa (Madness), armed ever against itself – this, this be the minister of my smarting wrath!"[4]
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Tragedies. Translated by Miller, Frank Justus. Loeb Classical Library Volumes. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1917. Online version at theoi.com.