Flinch (film)
Flinch is a 2021 American crime thriller film written, directed, and produced by Cameron Van Hoy. The film stars Daniel Zovatto, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Cathy Moriarty, Buddy Duress, and Tom Segura. PlotThe film tells the story of a young hitman who falls for a girl who witnesses him commit a murder. Unable to bring himself to dispose of her, he takes her home and quickly learns that there is more to her than meets the eye. Cast
ReleaseThe film had a limited theatrical release on January 15, 2021.[1] It went on to be released digitally in February of the same year on Prime Video, Google Play, and iTunes. It was also released on DVD and VHS on the same date. [citation needed] ReceptionThe film holds a 67% “Fresh” approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 12 critics.[2] References
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