Soave introduced Locke's and Kant's philosophy in Italy through his teaching and translations.[1] He influentially promoted an eclectic empiricism (derived from Locke, Condillac, and Bonnet).[3] His versions of Salomon Gessner's New Idylls and of Edward Young's The force of religion exercised a certain influence on the preromantic movement in Italy.[1] In 1772 he wrote one of his most important philosophical works, Intorno all'istituzione naturale d'una società e d'una lingua, e all'influenza dell'una e dell'altra sulle umane cognizioni (On the natural formation of a society and of one language, and their influence on human cognitions). Soave presented the work to an announcement of competition from the Prussian Academy of Sciences, in which, instead, the winner was Johann Gottfried Herder.[1]
In 1772 he was appointed professor of philosophy at the Brera Academy in Milan. He introduced important reforms in the method of teaching, wrote and translated many works of education and established numerous schools in Lombardy.[4] His pedagogical interests induced him to write works for children. His Novelle Morali (Moral Tales) obtained the prize instituted by Count Carlo Bettoni, at Brescia, for the best collection calculated to excite in youthful minds the love of virtue and abhorrence of vice. The Novelle Morali were a landmark in Italian children's literature and went through over 100 editions between 1782 and 1909.[3] In 1795, Soave drafted against the ideas of the French Revolution the Vera idea della Rivoluzione di Francia (True meaning of the French revolution), which was frequently reprinted.[5]
He died in Pavia on 17 January 1806, where he was professor of ideology at the university.[1]
Ricerche intorno all'istituzione naturale d'una società e d'una lingua (1772)
Novelle morali (1782)
Istituzioni di logica, metafisica ed etica (1791)
La filosofia di Kant esposta ed esaminata (1803)
La mitologia ossia esposizione delle favole e descrizioni dei riti religiosi dei gentili..., con l'aggiunta d'un transunto delle Metamorfosi d'Ovidio (1810)
Storia del popolo ebreo compendiata, ad uso delle scuole (1813)
Memoria sopra il progetto di Elementi di ideologia di Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1809)
Esame dei principi metafisici della Zoonomia di Erasmus Darwin (1809)
^Cf. Costanza Rossi-Ichino, « Francesco Soave e le prime scuole elementari tra il '700 e l’800 » in Paola Brotto et al. (eds.), Problemi scolastici ed educativi nelle Lombardia del primo Ottocento, vol. 1, Milan, Sugar Co, 1977, p. 93-185.
Garin, Eugenio (2008). History of Italian Philosophy. Vol. 1. Translated by Giorgio A. Pinton. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 783–787.
Grossi, Angelo; Gianella, Laura (1944). Francesco Soave. Vita e scritti scelti. Lugano.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara (eds.), Francesco Soave e la grammatica del Settecento, Atti del convegno di Vercelli (21 marzo 2002), Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso.
Orelli, Giovanni. La Svizzera italiana, in Alberto Asor Rosa (ed.), Letteratura italiana. Storia e geografia. L'età contemporanea, 3, 1989, pp. 885-918.
Roggero, Marina (2013). "La voie italienne vers l'alphabet avant 1860". Histoire de l'éducation. 138 (138): 17–33. doi:10.4000/histoire-education.2648.