Fritz Klatt (22 May 1888 – 26 July 1945) was a German educational reformer and writer.
Fritz Klatt was born on 22 May 1888 in Berlin, to Johannes Klatt, an Indologist.
He studied history, pedagogy and philosophy in Berlin.
In the 1920s Klatt was one of the leaders of the German Youth Movement, especially involved in adult education and active leisure.
In 1921 he founded a school in Prerow on the Darß peninsula in Pomerania, which the Nazis closed in 1933.[1]
He thought traditional education overemphasized acquiring knowledge through repetition and obedience.
He advocated "creative education" that would bring out what is already in the man to encourage their individual development.
He attached great importance to community work and leisure activities to reduce stress and regenerate the creative forces.
This included physical activities such as gym, sports and dance.[1]
Jean Paul als Verkünder von Frieden und Freiheit (Jean Paul, bringer of peace and freedom), 1919
Die schöpferische (Creativity), Pause, 1922
Ja, nein und trotzdem. Gesammelte Aufsätze (Yes, no and yet. Collected essays), Jena: Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1924
Beruf und Bildung (Business and Education), 1929
Freizeitgestaltung (Recreation), 1929
Die geistige Wendung des Maschinenzeitalters (The spiritual change of the machine age), 1930
Rainer Maria Rilke. Sein Auftrag in heutiger Zeit (Rainer Maria Rilke. His Mission today), Berlin: L. Schneider, 1936
Hans Carossa: seine geistige Haltung und sein Glaubensgut, Wismar: H. Rhein, 1937
Sieg über die Angst : die Weltangst des modernen Menschen und ihre Überwindung durch Ranier Maria Rilke (Defiance of Fear: the world-anxiety of modern man and how to overcome it according to Rainer Maria Rilke), Berlin: L. Schneider, 1940
Lebensmächte: Gesetze der geistigen Entwicklung (Life powers: Laws of spiritual development), Jena: E. Diederich, 1939, p. 277
Griechisches Erbe: Das Urbild der Antike im Widerschein des heutigen Lebens (Greek Heritage: The example of antiquity for modern life), Berlin: W. de Gruyter & Co, 1943
Rainer Maria Rilke, Foreword by Lis Klatt, Vienna: Amandus-Edition, 1948, p. 276{{citation}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
Sprache und Verantwortung (Language and Responsibility), Vienna: Amandus Verlag, 1960