It operates as train number 22410 from Anand Vihar Terminal to Gaya and as train number 22409 in the reverse direction, serving the states of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Initially the train ran from Anand Vihar Terminal to Sasaram Junction later it extended to Gaya Junction.
The 22410 / 09 Anand Vihar Gaya Garib Rath Express has 17 AC 3 tier & 2 End-on Generator coaches. It does not carry a pantry car. As is customary with most train services in India, coach composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand.
The 22410 Anand Vihar Gaya Garib Rath Express covers the distance of 990 km (615 mi) in 13 hours 00 mins (67.23 km/h) and in 14 hours 35 mins as 22409 Gaya Anand Vihar Garib Rath Express (59.93 km/h).[3] As the average speed of the train is above 55 km/h (34 mph), as per Indian Railways rules, its fare includes a Superfast surcharge.