His trilogy on the origins and transformations of global capitalism began in 1994 with a book that reinterpreted the evolution of capitalism, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times. The book was published in at least ten languages. Giovanni completed a second edition of The Long Twentieth Century in 2009. In 1999, he published Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System with Beverly Silver, and in 2007, he published Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century, comparing Western and East Asian economic development and exploring China’s rise as an economic world power.[citation needed]
Arrighi died in his home in Baltimore on 18 June 2009. He had been diagnosed with cancer in July 2008. His widow and collaborator is Professor Beverly Silver.[citation needed]
"Workers North and South" (with B.J. Silver) in C. Leys and L. Panich, eds., The Socialist Register 2001. London: The Merlin Press, 2000. Reprinted (abridged) in L. Amoore, ed., The Global Resistance Reader. London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
"Kindai Sekai Shisutem no Keisei to Henyou ni okeru Hegemonii Kokka no Yakuwari" ("The Role of Hegemonic States in the Formation and Transitions of the Modern World-System"). In T. Matsuda and S. Akita, eds., Hegemonii Kokka to Sekai Shisutem (Hegemonic States and the Modern World-System). Tokyo: Yamakawa Publishing Company, 2002.
"Historical Capitalism East and West" (with P.K. Hui, H. Hung, and M. Selden). In G. Arrighi, T. Hamashita and M. Selden, eds., The Resurgence of East Asia: 500, 150 and 50 Year Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, 2003.
"Global Inequalities and the Legacy of Dependency Theory". Radical Philosophy Review 5: 1-2 (2002/2003).
"Polanyi’s ‘Double Movement’: The Belles Epoques of British and US Hegemony Compared" (with B.J. Silver). Politics and Society 31: 2 (2003).
"Il lungo XX secolo. Una replica". Contemporanea 6:4 (2003).
"Poza hegemoniami zachodnimi" (with I. Ahmad and M. Shih). Lewa Noga 15 (2003).
"Hegemony and Antisystemic Movements". In I. Wallerstein, ed., The Modern World-System in the Longue Duree. Boulder, Co: {{Paradigm Publishers, 2004
"Globalization in World-Systems Perspective". In R. Appelbaum and W. Robinson, eds., Critical Globalization Studies. New York and London: Routledge, 2005.
"Rough Road to Empire". In F. Tabak, ed., Allies as Rivals: The U.S., Europe, and Japan in a Changing World-System. Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Press, 2005.
"States, Markets and Capitalism, East and West". In M. Miller, ed., Worlds of Capitalism. Institutions, Economic Performance, and Governance in the Era of Globalization. London: Routledge, 2005
"The world economy and the Cold War, 1970–1990". In Melvyn P. Leffler and Odd Arne Westad, eds., The Cambridge History of the Cold War, Volume 3: Endings (pp. 23–44). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010. ISBN978-0-521-83721-7.