She was the first child of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich and Princess Charlotte of Württemberg. Her upbringing and education received increased attention and influence from her mother. Grand Duke Michael very much wanted a son, from which he could raise a soldier. But in his only surviving children were girls, whose upbringing he left up to his wife. However, Michael Pavlovich could not deny himself the pleasure of introducing one of his military items into their program, arguing that each of his daughters was (like his mother) the chief of any cavalry regiment. Michael introduced his daughters to the cavalry and infantry signals on the bugle and drum.
In 1835 a children's magazine was published under the title Children's Library, dedicated to Grand Duchess Maria Mikhailovna (publisher AN Ochkin).
Maria was known for her fragile health. The first signs of disease appeared on the eve of her twentieth birthday. The Grand Duchess died suddenly at the age of 21 on 19 November 1846 in Vienna in her father's arms. She is buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral.