a programmable (in a language inspired by EZ[4]) widget that displays DOT graphs and allows the user to perform actions on them with the mouse. Therefore, Lefty can be used as the view in a model–view–controller GUI application that uses graphs.
Gramps uses Graphviz to create genealogical (family tree) diagrams.
Graph-tool a Python library for graph manipulation and visualization.
OmniGraffle version 5 and later uses the Graphviz engine, with a limited set of commands, for automatically laying out graphs.[9]
Org-mode can work with DOT source code blocks.[10]
PlantUML uses Graphviz to generate UML diagrams from text descriptions.
Puppet can produce DOT resource graphs that can be viewed with Graphviz.
Scribus is an open-source DTP program that can use Graphviz to render graphs by using its internal editor in a special frame type called render frame.[11]
Sphinx is a documentation generator that can use Graphviz to embed graphs in documents.
Terraform an infrastructure-as-code tool from Hashicorp allows output of an execution plan as a DOT resource graph
TOra a free-software database development and administration GUI, available under the GNU GPL.
^Eleftherios Koutsofios and Stephen North. Drawing graphs with dot. Technical Report 910904-59113-08TM, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, September 1991.