Rainbow Greens (Italy) Proletarian literature Federation of the Greens Proletarian Democracy Mario Capanna Emilio Molinari Loredana De Petris Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist) List of parliamentary groups in Italy 1993 Milan municipal election 1985 Italian wage referendum Green Party of the United States Socialist Alternative Politics Communist Refoundation Party Zack Polanski David Belliard List of left-wing political parties Workers' Communist Party (Italy) List of political parties in Italy Peter Camejo Marco Boato Communist Party of Greece (Marxist–Leninist) Rainbow Group (1984–1989) J…
Joschka Fischer Edo Ronchi Political groups of the European Parliament List of Green politicians who have held office in the United States The Left – The Rainbow 1990 Ligurian regional election 1990 Venetian regional election Polish Socialist Party – Left List of mayors of Genoa Giuliano Pisapia Party of Italian Communists Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia Left-wing politics PUPS – Solidarity and Jus
tice Pan-Netherlands Democratic Alliance (Italy) Polish Socialist Party – Revolutionary Faction 1987 Italian general election Jim Crawford (playwright) Radical Party (Italy) Hernals Left-libertarianism The Olive Tree (Italy) Popular front Eurocommunism List of solidarity rallies with the Gezi Park protests Oleksiy Chubenko Portuguese Communist Party 1992 Italian general election Socialist Revolutionary Party Leonberg Libertarianism in the United Kingdom Marxism–Leninism List of political parties in France History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Scottish Socialist Party Socialist Labour Party (UK) Organization for th
Proletarian literature
Federation of the Greens
Proletarian Democracy
Mario Capanna
Emilio Molinari
Loredana De Petris
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
List of parliamentary groups in Italy
1993 Milan municipal election
1985 Italian wage referendum
Green Party of the United States
Socialist Alternative Politics
Communist Refoundation Party
Zack Polanski
David Belliard
List of left-wing political parties
Workers' Communist Party (Italy)
List of political parties in Italy
Peter Camejo
Marco Boato
Communist Party of Greece (Marxist–Leninist)
Rainbow Group (1984–1989)
Joschka Fischer
Edo Ronchi
Political groups of the European Parliament
List of Green politicians who have held office in the United States
The Left – The Rainbow
1990 Ligurian regional election
1990 Venetian regional election
Polish Socialist Party – Left
List of mayors of Genoa
Giuliano Pisapia
Party of Italian Communists
Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia
Left-wing politics
PUPS – Solidarity and Justice
Democratic Alliance (Italy)
Polish Socialist Party – Revolutionary Faction