Haldane's dilemma
Haldane's dilemma, also known as the waiting time problem,[1] is a limit on the speed of beneficial evolution, calculated by J. B. S. Haldane in 1957. Before the invention of DNA sequencing technologies, it was not known how much polymorphism DNA harbored, although alloenzymes (variant forms of an enzyme which differ structurally but not functionally from other alloenzymes coded for by different alleles at the same locus) were beginning to make it clear that substantial polymorphism existed. This was puzzling because the amount of polymorphism known to exist seemed to exceed the theoretical limits that Haldane calculated, that is, the limits imposed if polymorphisms present in the population generally influence an organism's fitness. Motoo Kimura's landmark paper on neutral theory in 1968[2] built on Haldane's work to suggest that most molecular evolution is neutral, resolving the dilemma. Although neutral evolution remains the consensus theory among modern biologists,[3] and thus Kimura's resolution of Haldane's dilemma is widely regarded as correct, some biologists argue that adaptive evolution explains a large fraction of substitutions in protein coding sequence,[4] and they propose alternative solutions to Haldane's dilemma. Substitution costIn the introduction to The Cost of Natural Selection Haldane writes that it is difficult for breeders to simultaneously select all the desired qualities, partly because the required genes may not be found together in the stock; but, he writes,[5]
That is, the problem for the cattle breeder is that keeping only the specimens with the desired qualities will lower the reproductive capability too much to keep a useful breeding stock. Haldane states that this same problem arises with respect to natural selection. Characters that are positively correlated at one time may be negatively correlated at a later time, so simultaneous optimization of more than one character is a problem also in nature. And, as Haldane writes[5]
In faster breeding species there is less of a problem. Haldane mentions the peppered moth, Biston betularia, whose variation in pigmentation is determined by several alleles at a single gene.[5][6] One of these alleles, "C", is dominant to all the others, and any CC or Cx moths are dark (where "x" is any other allele). Another allele, "c", is recessive to all the others, and cc moths are light. Against the originally pale lichens the darker moths were easier for birds to pick out, but in areas, where pollution has darkened the lichens, the cc moths had become rare. Haldane mentions that in a single day the frequency of cc moths might be halved. Another potential problem is that if "ten other independently inherited characters had been subject to selection of the same intensity as that for colour, only , or one in 1024, of the original genotype would have survived." The species would most likely have become extinct; but it might well survive ten other selective periods of comparable selectivity, if they happened in different centuries.[5] Selection intensityHaldane proceeds to define the intensity of selection regarding "juvenile survival" (that is, survival to reproductive age) as , where is the proportion of those with the optimal genotype (or genotypes) that survive to reproduce, and is the proportion of the entire population that similarly so survive. The proportion for the entire population that die without reproducing is thus , and this would have been if all genotypes had survived as well as the optimal. Hence is the proportion of "genetic" deaths due to selection. As Haldane mentions, if , then .[7] The costHaldane writes
Comparing to the above, we have that , if we say that is the quotient of deaths for the selected locus and is again the quotient of deaths for the entire population. The problem statement is therefore that the alleles in question are not particularly beneficial under the previous circumstances; but a change in environment favors these genes by natural selection. The individuals without the genes are therefore disfavored, and the favorable genes spread in the population by the death (or lowered fertility) of the individuals without the genes. Note that Haldane's model as stated here allows for more than one gene to move towards fixation at a time; but each such will add to the cost of substitution. The total cost of substitution of the gene is the sum of all values of over all generations of selection; that is, until fixation of the gene. Haldane states that he will show that depends mainly on , the small frequency of the gene in question, as selection begins – that is, at the time that the environmental change occurs (or begins to occur).[5] A mathematical model of the cost of diploidsLet A and a be two alleles with frequencies and in the generation. Their relative fitness is given by[5]
where 0 ≤ ≤ 1, and 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1. If λ = 0, then Aa has the same fitness as AA, e.g. if Aa is phenotypically equivalent with AA (A dominant), and if λ = 1, then Aa has the same fitness as aa, e.g. if Aa is phenotypically equivalent with aa (A recessive). In general λ indicates how close in fitness Aa is to aa. The fraction of selective deaths in the generation then is and the total number of deaths is the population size multiplied by Important number 300Haldane approximates the above equation by taking the continuum limit of the above equation.[5] This is done by multiplying and dividing it by dq so that it is in integral form substituting q=1-p, the cost (given by the total number of deaths, 'D', required to make a substitution) is given by Assuming λ < 1, this gives where the last approximation assumes to be small. If λ = 1, then we have In his discussion Haldane writes that the substitution cost, if it is paid by juvenile deaths, "usually involves a number of deaths equal to about 10 or 20 times the number in a generation" – the minimum being the population size (= "the number in a generation") and rarely being 100 times that number. Haldane assumes 30 to be the mean value.[5] Assuming substitution of genes to take place slowly, one gene at a time over n generations, the fitness of the species will fall below the optimum (achieved when the substitution is complete) by a factor of about 30/n, so long as this is small – small enough to prevent extinction. Haldane doubts that high intensities – such as in the case of the peppered moth – have occurred frequently and estimates that a value of n = 300 is a probable number of generations. This gives a selection intensity of . Haldane then continues:[5]
The number 300 of generations is a conservative estimate for a slowly evolving species not at the brink of extinction by Haldane's calculation. For a difference of at least 1,000 genes, 300,000 generations might be needed – maybe more, if some gene runs through more than one optimisation. Origin of the term "Haldane's dilemma"Apparently the first use of the term "Haldane's dilemma" was by paleontologist Leigh Van Valen in his 1963 paper "Haldane's Dilemma, Evolutionary Rates, and Heterosis". Van Valen writes:[8]
That is, since a high number of deaths are required to fix one gene rapidly, and dead organisms do not reproduce, fixation of more than one gene simultaneously would conflict. Note that Haldane's model assumes independence of genes at different loci; if the selection intensity is 0.1 for each gene moving towards fixation, and there are N such genes, then the reproductive capacity of the species will be lowered to 0.9N times the original capacity. Therefore, if it is necessary for the population to fix more than one gene, it may not have reproductive capacity to counter the deaths. Evolution above Haldane's limitVarious models evolve at rates above Haldane's limit. J. A. Sved[9] showed that a threshold model of selection, where individuals with a phenotype less than the threshold die and individuals with a phenotype above the threshold are all equally fit, allows for a greater substitution rate than Haldane's model (though no obvious upper limit was found, though tentative paths to calculate one were examined e.g. the death rate). John Maynard Smith[10] and Peter O'Donald[11] followed on the same track. Additionally, the effects of density-dependent processes, epistasis, and soft selective sweeps on the maximum rate of substitution have been examined.[12] By looking at the polymorphisms within species and divergence between species an estimate can be obtained for the fraction of substitutions that occur due to selection. This parameter is generally called alpha (hence DFE-alpha), and appears to be large in some species, although almost all approaches suggest that the human-chimp divergence was primarily neutral. However, if divergence between Drosophila species was as adaptive as the alpha parameter suggests, then it would exceed Haldane's limit. See alsoReferences
Further reading