Kesten died on March 29, 2019, in Ithaca at the age of 87.[7]
Mathematical work
Kesten's work includes many fundamental contributions across almost the whole of probability,[6][8][9] including the following highlights.
Random walks on groups. In his 1958 PhD thesis, Kesten studied symmetric random walks on countable groups G generated by a jump distribution with support G. He showed that the spectral radius equals the exponential decay rate of the return probabilities.[10] He showed later that this is strictly less than 1 if and only if the group is non-amenable.[11] The last result is known as Kesten's criterion for amenability. He calculated the spectral radius of the d-regular tree, namely .
Products of random matrices. Let be the product of the first n elements of an ergodic stationary sequence of random matrices. With Furstenberg in 1960, Kesten showed the convergence of , under the condition .[12]
Self-avoiding walks. Kesten's ratio limit theorem states that the number of n-step self-avoiding walks from the origin on the integer lattice satisfies where is the connective constant. This result remains unimproved despite much effort.[13] In his proof, Kesten proved his pattern theorem, which states that, for a proper internal pattern P, there exists such that the proportion of walks containing fewer than copies of P is exponentially smaller than .[14]
Branching processes. Kesten and Stigum showed that the correct condition for the convergence of the population size, normalized by its mean, is that where L is a typical family size.[15] With Ney and Spitzer, Kesten found the minimal conditions for the asymptotic distributional properties of a critical branching process, as discovered earlier, but subject to stronger assumptions, by Kolmogorov and Yaglom.[16]
Random walk in a random environment. With Kozlov and Spitzer, Kesten proved a deep theorem about random walk in a one-dimensional random environment. They established the limit laws for the walk across the variety of situations that can arise within the environment.[17]
Diophantine approximation. In 1966, Kesten resolved a conjecture of Erdős and Szűsz on the discrepancy of irrational rotations. He studied the discrepancy between the number of rotations by hitting a given interval I, and the length of I, and proved this bounded if and only if the length of I is a multiple of .[18]
Percolation. Kesten's most famous work in this area is his proof that the critical probability of bond percolation on the square lattice equals 1/2.[21] He followed this with a systematic study of percolation in two dimensions, reported in his book Percolation Theory for Mathematicians.[22] His work on scaling theory and scaling relations[23] has since proved key to the relationship between critical percolation and Schramm–Loewner evolution.[24]
First passage percolation. Kesten's results for this growth model are largely summarized in Aspects of First Passage Percolation.[25] He studied the rate of convergence to the time constant, and contributed to the topics of subadditive stochastic processes and concentration of measure. He developed the problem of maximum flow through a medium subject to random capacities.
A volume of papers was published in Kesten's honor in 1999.[26] The Kesten memorial volume of Probability Theory and Related Fields[27] contains a full list of the dedicatee's publications.
^Grimmett, G. R. (2021). "Harry Kesten's work in probability theory". Probab. Th. Rel. Fields. 181: 17–56.
^Durrett, R., Harry Kesten's publications: a personal perspective. Perplexing problems in probability, 1–33, Progr. Probab., 44, Birkhäuser, Boston MA, 1999.
^Kesten, H., Aspects of First Passage Percolation. École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour, XIV—1984, 125–264, Lecture Notes in Math., 1180, Springer, Berlin, 1986.
^Perplexing problems in probability: Festschrift in honor of Harry Kesten, Bramson, M. and Durrett, R., eds, Progr. Probab., 44, Birkhäuser, Boston MA, 1999
^H. Duminil-Copin, G. R. Grimmett, ed. (2021). "Special issue in honor of the life and work of Harry Kesten". Probability Theory and Related Fields. 181: 1–756.