Historical Roasts is an American comedy television series on Netflix. Based on the Los Angeles live comedy show of the same name,[1] the series "roasts" historical figures including Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cleopatra.[2] The 6-episode first season was released on Netflix on May 27, 2019. It is hosted by Jeff Ross, a "recurring roaster" who has appeared frequently in stand-up specials and series on Comedy Central.[3][4][5]
On September 20, 2018, Deadline reported that Netflix had ordered six episodes of the series.[6]
Reception from critics has been mixed. For Paste, John-Michael Bond wrote "if you don't mind your comedy black, you'll find a lot to like in Historical Roasts' silly look at the past."[7] Others, including the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, have criticized the "Anne Frank" episode for jokes about concentration camps, and making light of Nazi-occupied Europe.[8] Niv Hadas of Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, defended the show from critics, calling the episode "compassionate, funny and historically accurate".[9]