Holding is a four-part television series based on the debut novel of the same name by Graham Norton. It premiered on ITV on 14 March 2022 and on Virgin Media More in Ireland on 12 April 2022.
Easy-going Garda Sergeant PJ Collins leads a peaceful life in the quiet Cork village of Duneen. It is disrupted by the discovery of an adult male skeleton at a building site owned by the Flynn brothers. Due to its location on the former Burke farm and its age, locals speculate that the skeleton is Tommy Burke. He had disappeared in mid-2001, about 20 years earlier. Cork City-based detective Linus Dunne investigates and orders the Burkes' graves opened for DNA sampling. PJ learns that Tommy had abandoned his fiancée Brid at the altar and simultaneously had an affair with Brid's then-best friend, Evelyn Ross. Brid and Evelyn rarely communicate thereafter. Brid married Anthony and they have two children. Evelyn lives with her sisters Abigail and Florence on the neighbouring dairy farm.
Brid begins drinking more heavily and struggles with community scrutiny. Evelyn dates teenager Stephen and works at the pub, while Abigail runs the dairy. Florence prepares to leave Duneen for America with her girlfriend and fellow school teacher, Susan. PJ observes Evelyn and Brid fighting each other, but avoids confronting them. Brid hides away from her family and the villagers. PJ discovers Brid and returns her home. DNA analysis determines that the skeleton is not the Burkes' son.
It was announced in May 2021 that ITV had commissioned a four-part adaptation of Graham Norton's 2016 novel, Holding. Dominic Treadwell-Collins and Karen Cogan would write the script for ITV's label Happy Prince, with Kathy Burke directing and Martina Niland for Port Pictures.[1]