HyperTalk is a discontinued high-level, procedural programming language created in 1987 by Dan Winkler and used in conjunction with Apple Computer's HyperCard hypermedia program by Bill Atkinson. Because the main target audience of HyperTalk was beginning programmers, HyperTalk programmers were usually called "authors" and the process of writing programs was known as "scripting". HyperTalk scripts resembled written English and used a logical structure similar to that of the Pascal programming language. HyperTalk supported the basic control structures of procedural languages: repeat for/while/until, if/then/else, as well as function and message "handler" calls (a function handler was a subroutine and a message handler a procedure). Data types usually did not need to be specified by the programmer; conversion happened transparently in the background between strings and numbers. There were no classes or data structures in the traditional sense; in their place were special string literals, or "lists" of "items" delimited by commas (in later versions the "itemDelimiter" property allowed choosing an arbitrary character). Code execution typically began as a response to an event such as a mouse click on a UI widget. In the late 1980s, Apple considered[1] using HyperCard's HyperTalk scripting language as the standard language across the company and within its classic Mac OS operating system, as well as for interprocess communication between Apple and non-Apple products. The company did not oppose the development of imitations like SuperCard, but it created the HyperTalk Standards Committee to avoid incompatibility between language variants.[1] The case-insensitive language was initially interpreted, but gained just-in-time compilation with HyperCard 2.0.[2] DescriptionFundamental operationsFor most basic operations including mathematical computations, HyperTalk favored natural-language ordering of predicates over the ordering used in mathematical notation. For example, in HyperTalk's put 5 * 4 into theResult
whereas in the more traditional BASIC programming language (and most others), the same would be accomplished by writing: theResult = 5 * 4
The HyperTalk code has the side-effect of creating the variable theResult on the fly. Scripts could assign any type or value to a variable using the The language's flow control and logic were generally similar to other common languages, using an Objects, containers and scriptsHyperCard's primary user interface concept was the card, a display system that emulated an index card. Cards were normally used to store information, similar to a record in a conventional flat-file database. The graphical layout of the card was created using the mouse by placing various elements on the card, such as text fields and buttons. A master layout "card" known as the background was shown behind the transparent areas of each card. Objects placed on the background, such as fields and buttons, would be shared as a common layout among several cards, but with card-specific content. The collection of cards, backgrounds and the associated data stored in them were stored in a single file known as the stack (of cards). Collectively, all of these data-containing objects are referred to as containers. HyperTalk functions, or scripts, were normally stored within the Referring to containersA key concept in HyperTalk was the way it referred to containers through a navigational system based on the visual hierarchy of the stack. Every container in the stack was given a unique ID number when created and could also be given an optional name. Scripts could refer to objects by using either of these identifiers, along with an object type specified using the put the value of card field "typehere" into theValue
Various contextual aspects of statements could be inferred by the interpreter. In the statement above, for example, because the script would be running in the context of a button on a specific card, the identifier card was understood to refer to the card the user was interacting with, even though the button itself would normally be on the background. In addition, "the value" (the text submitted by the user) was assumed to be the main property and to be the target of operations if not otherwise specified. Likewise, "card field" was assumed to be the target of the command, as opposed to the background field, so that information could also be omitted. Even container types had short forms that programmers could use to save typing. Thus the code above is equivalent to the shorter form: put fld "typehere" into theValue
Objects within a given context—the card or background, for instance—were also given a runtime number based on their z-order on the screen. To assist in using their position for navigation, HyperTalk also included a variety of ordinal and cardinal referencing systems to simplify the syntax further. Assuming the field "typehere" is the only field on the card, the code above could also be written: put the first card field into theValue
or: put card field 1 into theValue
The choice of addressing style was left to the programmer; often different styles were used in different statements depending on the style of the surrounding code in order to make the code more readable. HyperTalk included the ask "What is the value?"
put it into card field "display"
This example uses the CollectionsContainers of a given type were also available as collections with a pluralized version of that container type as its name—the collection of the fields on a card was repeat with i = 1 to the number of card fields
hide field i
end repeat
This code exposes another common feature of HyperTalk: that a property might have several names and operators. In this case the In HyperCard 2.2 and later, the collection of collections was also available as a container's Handling textA notable feature of the HyperTalk container model was its handling of text. Every collection of text, whether a literal string in a program or text typed into a text field, was itself considered a container with multiple collections of containers within it. This allowed scripts to parse text using the same navigational commands as any other container. For instance, while parsing a space-delimited data file, one might want to extract the third column, like this: put the third word of theFilesText into colThree
This syntax allowed the script to "walk" down the text to find particular data, as in this example: put the first character of the third word of line 5 of card field "sometext" into theChar
This process of treating text as a container was known as "chunking", and the functions as "chunk expressions". These same sorts of expressions were used to handle file manipulation, along with a set of file management functions. The following code opens a known file, reads from it, extracts data, and then closes the file: on mouseDown
answer file "Please select a text file to open."
if it is empty then exit mouseDown
put it into filePath
if there is a file filePath then
open file filePath
read from file filePath until return
put it into cd fld "some field"
close file filePath
set the textStyle of character 1 to 10 of card field "some field" to bold
end if
end mouseDown
HyperTalk also included functions for chunking strings using a substring-find operation using the function replaceStr pattern,newStr,inStr
repeat while pattern is in inStr
put offset(pattern,inStr) into pos
put newStr into character pos to (pos +the length of pattern)-1 of inStr
end repeat
return inStr
end replaceStr
Lists and other collectionsHyperTalk used the same chunking system to produce structures like arrays or lists. Such a structure would be created by placing multiple data items in a variable, separated by commas. Various types of data could be imported into a HyperTalk script using strings that would get parsed as required. For instance, the position of objects on the screen was defined by a pair of numbers representing the X and Y coordinates relative to the upper left corner. The following code creates a variable called pos that holds a coordinate pair, and then manipulates this to re-position all of the buttons on a card in a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right: on mouseUp
put "100,100" into pos
repeat with x = 1 to the number of card buttons
set the location of card button x to pos
add 15 to item 1 of pos
end repeat
end mouseUp
The Messages and eventsHyperTalk used an object-oriented concept for calling scripts, with objects in the stack sending "events" as messages that would be processed by handlers that declared their interest in receiving the events using the on mouseUp
-- place additional code here
end mouseUp
Messages for events were first sent to the script in the object that created the event, for instance, if the user clicked on a button the For many simple events like mouse clicks on buttons the script would be placed directly within the object in question, the button itself. For instance, one might use the example code above within a button handler in this fashion: on mouseUp
repeat with i = 1 to the number of card fields
hide field i
end repeat
end mouseUp
In the case where code was being called from multiple locations, or it was being used as a global handler for an event, the script could determine the original sender of the event using the send "mouseUp" to card button "OK" of card "Veracity"
Combining HyperTalk's string processing with the on mouseUp
select the clickLine
put word 2 of the clickLine into linenum
do line linenum of cd fld 1
end mouseUp
The Controlling HyperCardUnlike general rapid application development platforms, HyperCard stacks always looked like stacks - the menu bar was HyperCard's and not the programmer's (by default—scripting could add, delete and modify menus), the single window was a fixed size (in early versions), and in certain cases, commands that were central to the operation were part of the application itself, and not directly available in HyperTalk itself. A good example of this was the creation of new cards, which was part of the application, not directly accessible from the HyperTalk language itself. A new card could only be created using the New Card menu item, which could be simulated in code using HyperTalk also provided script control over the built-in drawing tools, simply by scripting the needed changes in paint tools and simulating mouse movements using the Forgiving semanticsOne unique distinction between HyperCard's programming language HyperTalk and seemingly similar languages like AppleScript was that HyperTalk scripts were more lenient in what input they accepted. Apart from the above implicit declaration of variables when a value was assigned to them, and the way values were implicitly converted between types (allowing you to e.g. ask for For example: put the selectedLine of card field "Listbox" into theSelection -- gives 'line 2 to 3 of card field "Listbox"'
select line 1 of card field "Listbox"
select line (word 2 of theSelection) of card field "Listbox"
select (the selectedLine of card field "Listbox") -- parentheses added for illustrative purposes only
or play harpsichord c e g
play harpsichord "c e g"
put "c e g" into theMelody
play harpsichord theMelody
While the end result felt similar to scripters as a Bash script's expansion of variables before parsing, this was special-case syntax and did not have the pitfalls where data would be evaluated as code. So for example, all of the following are syntax errors in the melody, not function calls: play harpsichord "c e g()"
put "c e() g" into theMelody
play harpsichord theMelody
Extending HyperTalkAlthough the HyperTalk language languished just like HyperCard itself, it interest was revived through its plugin protocol, so-called External Commands (XCMDs) and External Functions (XFCNs), which were native code containers attached to stacks (as Macintosh-specific resources) with a single entry point and return value. XCMDs and XFCNs could be called just like regular message and function handlers from HyperTalk scripts, and were also able to send messages back to the HyperCard application. Some XCMD authors added advanced features like full color support (ColorizeHC, HyperTint, AddColor), multiple special-purpose windows (Prompt, Tabloid, Textoid, Listoid, ShowDialog, MegaWindows), drag and drop support and various hardware interfaces to the language. Descendants of HyperTalkVarious scripting languages have implemented a superset of HyperTalk (collectively known as xTalk):[4]
These clones and dialects (commonly referred to under the moniker of xTalk-languages) added various features to the language that are expected from a modern programming language, like exception handling, user-defined object properties, timers, multi-threading and even user-defined objects. There are also languages whose syntax and structure show influences from HyperTalk, such as:
Many method names first popularized by HyperTalk have been incorporated into later languages, such as the See also
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