In India, there are some regulations and restrictions with regard to establishing industries in certain categories. This is done by making it mandatory to obtain licenses before setting up such an industry.
List of industries with compulsory licensing
Industrial licensing is compulsory for the following industries
Large and Medium Industries: Items reserved for the Small Scale Sector
All Industries:
All items of electronic aerospace and defense equipment, whether specifically mentioned or not in this list.
All items related to the production or use of atomic energy including the carrying out of any process, preparatory or ancillary to such production or use, under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.
Comprehensive list of industry (where industrial licensing is compulsory)
Paper and Newsprint except bagasse-based units (i.e. except units based on minimum 75% pulp from agricultural residues, bagasse and other non conventional raw materials)
Electronic aerospace and defence equipment: all types