Jernløse Municipality Nørre Jernløse Windmill List of churches in Holbæk Municipality Lorentz Jørgensen Tornved Municipality Tølløse Municipality Agnes Lunn Svinninge Municipality Holbæk Municipality Michael Herman Løvenskiold List of parishes in Region Zealand Philip Lange Severin Leopoldus Løvenskiold Simone Boye Sørensen List of municipalities of Denmark (1970–2006) Constituencies of Denmark 1963–64 Danish Cup qualifying rounds List of windmills in Denmark West Zealand County Børkop Municipality Slagelse Municipality (1970–2006) Korsør Municipality Aabybro Municipality Rudkøbing Municipality Pandrup Municipality Sydlangeland Municipality Fjerrit…
tslev Municipality Ullerslev Municipality Tranekær Municipality Ørbæk Municipality Hashøj Municipality Nyborg Municipality (1970–2006) Brovst Municipality Skælskør Municipality 1995–96 Danish Cup Listed buildings in Holbæk Municipality 2005 Danish local elections Strukturreformen
Nørre Jernløse Windmill
List of churches in Holbæk Municipality
Lorentz Jørgensen
Tornved Municipality
Tølløse Municipality
Agnes Lunn
Svinninge Municipality
Holbæk Municipality
Michael Herman Løvenskiold
List of parishes in Region Zealand
Philip Lange
Severin Leopoldus Løvenskiold
Simone Boye Sørensen
List of municipalities of Denmark (1970–2006)
Constituencies of Denmark
1963–64 Danish Cup qualifying rounds
List of windmills in Denmark
West Zealand County
Børkop Municipality
Slagelse Municipality (1970–2006)
Korsør Municipality
Aabybro Municipality
Rudkøbing Municipality
Pandrup Municipality
Sydlangeland Municipality
Fjerritslev Municipality
Ullerslev Municipality
Tranekær Municipality
Ørbæk Municipality
Hashøj Municipality
Nyborg Municipality (1970–2006)
Brovst Municipality
Skælskør Municipality
1995–96 Danish Cup
Listed buildings in Holbæk Municipality
2005 Danish local elections