According to the 2011 Census of Bangladesh, Kalabagan Thana had 20,672 households with average household size of 4.86 and a population of 118,660. Males constituted 57.11% (67,762) of the population while females 42.89% (50,898). Kalabagan had a literacy rate (age 7 and over) of 82.0%, compared to the national average of 51.8%, and a sex ratio of 133.There were 720 floating people in this jurisdiction. [7]
The religious breakdown was Muslim 94.49% (112,122), Hindu 4. 84% (5,740), Christian 0.47% (554), Buddhist 0.16% (184), and others 0.05% (60). The ethnic minority people living there were 237 persons in total.
There are many educational institutions located in Kalabagan Thana like Hamdard Public College and Dhaka Public College.