The film was officially announced in October 2023 under the tentative title GV 25, as it is Prakash's 25th film in the lead role, and the official title was announced a few days later. Principal photography commenced the same month. The film has music composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, cinematography handled by Gokul Benoy and editing by San Lokesh.[3]
Kingston is scheduled for a theatrical release on 7 March 2025.
In early October 2023, it was reported that music composer-cum-actor G. V. Prakash Kumar would turn as producer for his 25th film in the lead role. He would produce it with an estimate budget of ₹20 crore (US$2.3 million) in association with Zee Studios.[1] On 9 October, the project was officially announced by the new production banner Parallel Universe Pictures, tentatively titledGV 25.[4] It is directed by Kamal Prakash, who previously had worked with Prakash in Kadhalikka Yaarum Illa (2016).[5]Divyabharathi, who also previously acted alongside Prakash in Bachelor (2021), was cast to play the lead actress role.[6]
Two days later, the official title, Kingston, and the film's crew was revealed. A muhurat puja was held the same day in Chennai. The crew includes cinematographer Gokul Benoy, editor San Lokesh, art director S. S. Moorthy, stunt choreographer Dhilip Subbarayan, costume designer Poornima Ramaswamy, dialogue writer Divek S Sekar and publicity designer Gopi Prassana.[7] Antony and Elango Kumaravel were announced being a part of cast.[8]
Principal photography began with the first schedule on 5 October 2023 at a film studio in Chennai. Reportedly, the makers began filming by erecting a ship set.[9]