La Voz wass an American Spanish-language singing competition television series broadcast on Telemundo. The show premiered January 13, 2019, and is based on the original The Voice of Holland, and part of the global franchise The Voice that aims to find aspiring singers, age 18 or over, drawn from public auditions. The winner receives a monetary prize and a record contract with Universal Music.[1]
La Voz is the second adaptation of the Voice format in the United States, after The Voice, which began airing in 2011. There had also previously been a Spanish-language adaptation of the spinoff format The Voice Kids in the U.S., La Voz Kids, which aired for four seasons from 2013 to 2016.
Throughout the competition, several stages are included, as:
National casting
In the national casting, participants in 15 broadcasts are selected. The coaches do not attend this initial phase but members of the production team do. The casting procedure can be online or in person in any of the following cities:
First season, Starting June 23, 2018: Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, New York, Chicago, San Antonio, Miami
Second season, Starting July 6, 2019: Miami, New York, Puerto Rico, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston
Stage 1: The Blind Auditions
The four coaches' chairs will have their backs to the participants, allowing them to judge a contestant based only on their voice. If the coach likes the participant's voice, he/she will press the "QUIERO TU VOZ" button, turning the chair around. When the judge is facing the participant this indicated that they have been selected to advance. If more than one coach presses the button, the participant will have the option to decide who they want to work with in the competition. Each coach is granted the power of The Block Button where they can block another coach from obtaining the artist (in season 2 the blocks increased to two per coach). If a participant doesn't have any judges turn their chairs they are then eliminated.
Stage 2: The Battles
In this stage; the coaches will reduce their team by half by putting two members of their team into battle against each other, singing the same song. At the end each coach will make the decision on who should move onto the next stage, the other will be eliminated. However, other coaches have the ability to steal an eliminated contestant by pressing the "QUIERO TU VOZ" button. If more than one coach presses the button, the participant will choose their new coach. During this point coaches also have the ability to bring in outside advisers to help them coach their contestants.
Stage 3: Live Shows
This is the last stage in where the participant plays it off to receive the votes from the public to advance every week. The public votes after every night performance and the artists with the highest votes advance. The remaining participants can be saved by their coach’s vote and advanced to the following week. If they are not saved by the public or their coach they will be eliminated. In the finale there will be 4 participants left and the winner chosen by the public will be called La Voz U.S.
Coaches and hosts
On May 10, 2018, Telemundo announced that they would premiere the Spanish-language version of NBC singing competition The Voice in 2019, called La Voz, with Luis Fonsi tapped as the first coach.[2] On July 5, 2018, Telemundo announced Alejandra Guzmán has joined the show as a coach,[3] followed by Wisin on July 12.[4] On September 13, 2018, it was confirmed that Carlos Vives would be joining the show as the fourth and final coach.[5]Jorge Bernal and Jéssica Cediel debuted as hosts for the first season, followed by Jacqueline Bracamontes who joined them in the battle rounds. In October 2019 it was announced that all four coaches would return for the show's second season.[6] In January 2020, it was announced that Nastassja Bolívar would join the show as new digital reporter replacing Cediel.
The first season of La Voz (U.S) premiered on January 13, 2019 and finished on April 21, 2019. The original coaching panel consists of Wisin, Alejandra Guzmán, Luis Fonsi and Carlos Vives.[7]Jorge Bernal, Jacqueline Bracamontes and Jéssica Cediel appeared as the hosts. This season featured three stages: blind audition, battle round and live shows. On April 21, 2019, Jeidimar Rijos was announced as the winner from Team Luis Fonsi.
The second season of La Voz (U.S) on January 19, 2020, with returning coaches Wisin, Guzmán, Fonsi, and Vives as well as returning hosts Bernal and Bracamontes. Whereas, Nastassja Bolívar replaced Cediel as the new digital reporter. For the first time, the Comeback Stage was adapted giving the opportunity to unselected participants in the Blind Auditions to win a live show pass, coached by Mau y Ricky. The season’s finale was originally scheduled for April 26, 2020, but due to COVID-19 pandemic the Live Shows were rescheduled until further notice. On 16 August 2020, it announced that Sammy Colon is the winner of La Voz US winner from Team Carlos Vives.